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  1. B

    Dots along veins of leaves

    No lime in my soil this round I just added some myco packs and green gro top dress.. first run with the green gro. I use sink water and let it sit out or aerate it. Thanks for the response
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    Dots along veins of leaves

    I had this problem pop up about a week ago. Someone told me looks like a suckling insect, I have had sticky traps up and look at them everyday with scope and see no bugs. I gave them some epsom salt to help out maybe if it's a def. I'm all organic never do I ph anything. My other plants are happy.
  3. B

    Did I veg to long??

    I have 2 plants in 3gals that got really big this past month and I regret not putting in flower sooner would I be fine to flower in these or no? I'm running build a soil living organic soil. I just would hate to get a month in flower and lose them to root bound
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    night temps.

    Mine was getting down to 65 at night in veg and I didn't like that but the ladies didn't show much stress I like to go around 65 at night for end of flower
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    Plant drooping midway through lights on

    I water at the beginning of lights on and leave for work then come back 8 hours later and she's fine then around dinner time she starts drooping. The soil is pretty moist at top still. it looks like the same drooping as when the lights go off. They are on 18/6, I hand water
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    Any1 use Phy-cal29??

    I got this stuff from my boss and was wondering if anyone uses it.
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    Seedling showing pistils??

    I have this plant going about 3 weeks i gave it some nutes to early for nut burn and I started off under a 300 watt led flower/veg light and I figured the light wasn't doing it as I stunted all my other seedlings. I put my t5 on them and it's growing a lot better and I noticed these white hairs...
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    Small leaves around top cola

    The one and only top on this clone out of 8 did this can anyone explain? The small leaves around the bud got bigger and some clones doesn't have any. It is a 1000 watt in a 4x4 tent
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    Ball of crystals? Want to make sure it's nothing

    Sorry I noticed with the light on and do want to wait to take a pic but you can tell what I talking about only one spot I seen so far like this
  10. B

    Spots on leaves help please

    Thanks guys means a lot this is really my first grow and I expect to have some problems but trying my best . My clones are good now thanks for the response I have done alil bit of trimming kept my fan on low at night . I have started these under a 300 watt led and t5
  11. B

    Spots on leaves help please

    Help I have a 1 month and a few days old clone I threw in my flower tent with a 1000 watt and the leaves have spots not a lot of leaves but a few