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  1. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    Update: So I was in my patches the other day and was just checking the area for more males and there were a few I didn't catch before and I'm sure there is more; I'll keep watching for them. Since I have put the mulch down I have noticed my plants have been much happier. Here are some pics of...
  2. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    Thanks for that, I read the whole thing...very good information.
  3. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    thanks for that bit Angus I checked out those pics, very cool
  4. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    so i get the hybrid seeds then pollinate them with each other and that will give me a stable strain? what do you mean by f1? sounds exciting for sure.:blsmoke:
  5. volcomrider157

    New Grower to Forum *PICS*

    Lookin good, that looks like a lot of work. 165 plants...damn. I'll be watching this one, I'd like to see that Hawaiian afghani flowered out. mmmmm sounds delicious:blsmoke:
  6. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    hell yea, thats awesome.. what strain?
  7. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    judging by all the other thick plants in the picture I would say there was a bunch removed already but who knows...tall plant none the less.
  8. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    Plants can grow to be 12 ft tall yes, the wild weed around here last year grew in excess of 8ft tall. If grown in the right conditions my power skunks would easily top that, but lets face it, plants that tall would just be a hassle to manage. You cant even get close to reaching the colas let...
  9. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    whew, just got done pullin all the males I could find, It only took me about an hour but it really sucked diggin through all the clusters of plants in the wind and finding them. Here are the pictures from todays adventure. One of the male plants well into flower. As you can see I picked quite...
  10. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    I switched over to a different insecticide now so I'm all good.
  11. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    Just out of curiosity tho, say I got a few seeds from say my Armageddons and I planted them would they be 50% Armageddon, 50% wild? Also over the next would keep pollinating that strain with itself? perfect and get a solid consistent strain?
  12. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    Very good point...I haven't thought of it that way, yea its some tough stuff no doubt and it flowers fast too, I had to pull a few males the other day cuz they are already threatening with there open pollen sacs. Its funny we are on the topic because that's today's mission....pull all the males...
  13. volcomrider157

    3 plants one rare mutant two normal plants..???Strain???

    I read that other thread, that was funny
  14. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    so yesterday I was doing some work in my patches and decided to spread "shake n' feed" MG bloom booster down all over my patches and then I mulched over everything. The mulch is really gonna help maintain good ground temp and moisture as well as help the slow release of the nutes... at least...
  15. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    Update: well I had to perform "open-stem surgery again the other day. This time on my biggest Armageddon plant... It was the only one that wasn't topped. Instead of letting the stalk borer take over the entire plant then leave one night into the next I decided to take action by starting up top...
  16. volcomrider157

    New outdoor grow, have some questions.

    im was using shultz 10-10-10. it comes in a little bottle with a dripper and you add it in with your water but now Im preparing to switch nutes over to my flowering nutes. I bought MG shake n' feed bloom booster, spread that all around my plants and then mulched over everything. Also I have...
  17. volcomrider157

    midwest gorroilla grow

    yea i gotta say i did laugh my ass off when i read this
  18. volcomrider157

    best to move babies in a cheap growroom when CLOUDY??

    :sad:oh man! That sucks. I know what thats like its a very hard thing. I know you'll make it. live and learn bro.
  19. volcomrider157

    best to move babies in a cheap growroom when CLOUDY??

    I agree with ripshot, but considering they are only like a week old you might wanna consider giving them a little jump start (CFLs) before letting them run wild completely....
  20. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    yea I vegged them indoors until they were all at least 12 inches tall and the tallest one standing over 19 inches tall. I figured that would save me from having animals eating my young plants...I wanted to beef them up and make sure they were strong and well established before I let mother...