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  1. Neil Young

    Lower Temperature- Raise Humidity

    for smaller stealth operations, once a day i would fill a strainer with ice cubes placed on a plate and have a small fan on it (not directing at plants). It would raise the humidity and be enough to drop the temp down a couple degrees. For larger operations i would use several 5 gallon buckets...
  2. Neil Young

    8 BubbleHeads start 12/12

    i think he's a lil confused...for large out door grows in B.C we used to save up piss jugs all week and bring them to the site and dump them around the grrls to keep the animals away...Deer and Saskwatch seem to love the taste..or maybe the high.
  3. Neil Young

    how do I get moisture back in my buds?

    never noticed that old school and b4 i was jarrin' me buds i always had that prob with over dryin'..used everythin' from kiwi to cantalope. i used the actual fruit tho..found the peels to have a rank taste n' smell.
  4. Neil Young

    nute burn or mites?

    Flora grow as in General Hydroponics? heres the feeding sched. also i noticed your using wet towels to raise humidity. I realize some threads on here recommend this. Towels are bacterial carpets..unless your...
  5. Neil Young

    feeder tube problem

    drrt grower for years, finishin' first show with bubbles..started 8 with tubes n' bubbles and 6 with bubbles no tubes..the only difference i found was the tubes cost more money and jus got in the way. Anyone tellin' you different is probs tryin' to sell you somethin' imo. and these were all...
  6. Neil Young

    fan leaf removal???

    dont cut anything until Harvest..bend, snap n' tuck...bend, snap n' tuck.
  7. Neil Young

    nute burn or mites?

    looks like an early sign of nute burn or possibly Magnesium deficiency to me...u shouldn't be feeding her more than 1/4 nutes at her age..imo
  8. Neil Young

    the dudes cup of coffee

    nothin' like decent cup of coffee..lotsa cream..lotsa sugar.. after years of playin with dirt ive switched to the bubbles..have u ever had a problem growin' with a soil cross bubble room? no cross contaminations? i wouldnt mind throwin' some in the drrt as a safety net in case my bubbles burst.
  9. Neil Young

    how do I get moisture back in my buds?

    a slice of of lime, potato, orange..choose your poison..bag it up..check periodically..jus remember your fruit can dictate taste n or smell.
  10. Neil Young

    8 BubbleHeads start 12/12

    very healthy lookin' grrls looligigi
  11. Neil Young


    dont be sorry kid..its your first grow..a lil bit of excitement can be blindin. theres not a decent grower here who hasnt had a bad crop. You can read all the Roseman diaries u want (and i suggest you do) but its gonna take a few grows b4 your thumb turns green..You should try a soil grow..its a...
  12. Neil Young

    root problem

    i dont think someone could replicate your slime if they tried..
  13. Neil Young

    beginner here need some help

    if you got the room, 3-5 gallons per plant is nice..