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  1. M

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    heres a few more
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    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    heres some purp i had a few months back, i thought it was great :joint:
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    Critters are throwing me off

    does anyone know?
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    Critters are throwing me off

    Okay, so i posted yesterday about the bunny, or maybe chipmunk that ate the top of my plant, I forgot to take a piss outside, and i think thats why, so last night i go out, pee and start cutting shavings off of soap around my babies and then goto bed. So Five minutes ago i went to go check on...
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    Rabbits completely bit off the top of my plant

    i forgot to take a piss last night and look what happens
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    Rabbits completely bit off the top of my plant

    lol, damn, well im gonna go grab it and replant another then ,:cuss:rabbits.
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    little grey bugs in my soil

    i just found some too, they dont fly but they are in most of my pots, i dont know what to do about it or if they are hurting my plant
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    Rabbits completely bit off the top of my plant

    leaving only the stem remaining, should i just give up and repot another, or try and nurse this one back to health?
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    Greenlight root stimulator

    oh, i hope my babies do okay! it says its also a starter solution too though, does that make any difference?
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    Greenlight root stimulator

    its 5-20-10, im using it on my sprouts, anyone used anything like this before? how'd it go
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    Rain rain rain go away !!!!!

    ugh, i wish it'd rain over here, it hasnt rained in like 2 weeks and tommorow its gonna be 97 degrees
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    Three leaf sprout?

    oh yeah, even though i feel like i check wayyy too much lol
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    Three leaf sprout?

    hey i have a set of sprouts ive been caring for and one of them came out with a set of three leaves instead of two. is there something wrong? hermie?:dunce:
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    First Grow, ive got some questions (pics)

    well i just transfeered them outside today they seem to be adapting well i hope to be able to come show you guys more pics when my babies get bigger! As for the second set they seem to be doing fine as well i think in about a week im going to have to put them outside as well, i just hope i...
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    First Grow, ive got some questions (pics)

    well you guys are helpful..
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    First Grow, ive got some questions (pics)

    Hey everyone, this is my first time posting here, and my first real 100% attempt at getting a harvest. Now i know its a little late in the season but i live in the southeast and im hopng everything will come out okay. I have about 10 sprouts (two sets of five) the first set is the one im...