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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    Happy Holidays!
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    soil and using 2500k and 5000k cfls. 2 5k @75W and 3 2.5k @100W
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    here is another picture
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    Today is day 39 if the process. Over the past few days i noticed a white fuzzy like substance forming on the leaves on the plant that are closest to the buds that are now forming. Originally i thought that it was just crystals or the tiny white pieces you tend to see on better quality buds...
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    they are in 5 gallon buckets filled about 8/10 of the way. the pictures throw the scale off a tad
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    i have kept my 3 guys on 20-4 for 4 weeks now. planning on adding a bit more lumens and keeping the same regiment. any suggestions on how to get the most yield. the plants just started budding a few days ago as you can see from the pictures.
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    Week 3. A little worried about size. They are only about 5''-1/2'' inches tall. Can anyone diagnose?
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    Day 18, high hopes :hump:
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    the prefix "ultra" seems to be leading to some confusion. the seeds i have are Auto Lemon Haze
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    correct. i believe i have auto flower seeds and my set up is directed towards that. thanks for the input i didnt know alot of that
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    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    Info: ultra lemon auto flower seeds- -germinated in wet paper towel for about 36hrs -planted and sprouted in around the same time lights are on a 20-4 regiment ..details coming shortly Current update (Day13 since sprout): 3 of 3 plants are...