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  1. EarthBounded

    DMT; breakthrough? or not to breakthrough?

    I recently prepared Yopo Snuff and insufflated as much as I possibly could. This was an unreal breakthrough, a tad different then strait DMT, However that tad bit a difference went a long way. Weirdest breakthrough ever, pretty much a loss of all control I couldn't even remember what part of...
  2. EarthBounded

    Things to do on MDMA?

    Beach on a warm evening or late afternoon with some good mellow tunes and your favirote beverage, and some friends :)
  3. EarthBounded

    question about mushroom flashbacks ?

    I would have to ask if you have used any other drugs besides cannabis? Psilocybin naturally evaporates from the brain, you shouldn't worry too much. I would focus on ingesting a very healthy diet, vitamins, minerals and possibly some super foods and alot of exercise. Ive tripped about 100 times...