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  1. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Thanks buddy. I honestly don't think it was the leftover weak nutrient solution that did it either, but one problem can compound another, you know? I want to also add to other people using this machine that there *is* lightleaks along the major irrigation lines where the plastic top intersects...
  2. S

    Pre-mixing nutes?

    Thanks for the tips guys, It is only just grow A+B, so I think ill just do it every week. If anything goes wrong I'll let you know :)
  3. S

    Pre-mixing nutes?

    Well, I'm using Advanced Nutrients grow A+B formula, and I would be storing for no more than 7 days. I want to mix up a weeks batch ahead of time.
  4. S

    Pre-mixing nutes?

    Hi there, I want to pre-mix and pH balance some nutrient/water solution and put it away so that all I have to do is top up when the plants need feeding. Is there any problem with keeping pre-mixed nutrients in a cupboard or in the fridge with the water for a period of time?
  5. S

    Producer ?'s

    *puts hand up* me me!
  6. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey guys, I've made a decision to euthanize the plants, and treat this as a learning experience. The roots at the base of the baskets were a dark brown, approaching black colour, and I was only on my second week of flowering with a very minimal initial investment. I decided to cut my losses and...
  7. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Well, I checked today on my h2o2 / pH water solution. Plants are still looking alive, but the roots right at the base of the plants look like crap. Dark brown, not looking very good at all. I'm going to leave the h2o2 solution in there for a while and just watch them. I'm hoping to see some new...
  8. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Thanks a lot for the tips man. I followed some advice online and trimmed some of the really brown roots off, and left the white ones. I completely cleaned out my res just now, shop vac, wipe down, everything, then I filled it back up with about 36 litres of dechloronated water and about 60 ml of...
  9. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey buddy, thanks for the tips! I actually already have hooked up the ducting, and it's running out of the room, but it wasn't enough. My res temp was still too high... the room I have the box in is very small, I think this is why. I went ahead and sprang for the AC as well, because I knew I...
  10. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Alright hopeful viewers, here's an update: This update is occuring at 5 days into my first week of flowering. I have met the second enemy in my hydroponic quest. I don't have a name for him yet, but I'll describe him as best I can with some help from pictures. Basically, I followed the BCNL...
  11. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Thanks smacc, I'm going to do the ice bottle thing tomorrow to manage the issue until i get the proper equipment, thanks for the tip. I'll do a much better job this coming week managing ph and see if that helps. Do you live in BC smacc? Any issues with humidity?
  12. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey sorry, if that was a reference to the strain, it's purple kush. My god bud seedlings were way too stressed out, I made too many mistakes... heat problems, distance from the CFL was too much... I started fresh with those, the rest of my seeds are germinating now and will be ready for my coco...
  13. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Alright guys, update. They've been vegging for 6 days in total. For the first 4 days, they were issued a half strength grow a+b solution, then I added enough to bring it up to about 75% and this is where we are now. I'm still refining the art of pH balancing... I'm checking twice a day, but...
  14. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey guys, no new pics yet... plants were looking a little bit sad so I tried some troubleshooting, and let me give you a little novice tip: If you, at any point, notice that there's a tiny pool of water on the top of your producer tray... time to troubleshoot! Turn the water override switch...
  15. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey man, I appreciate that. Honestly, I've been ravaging these forums, BCNL and other sources for information. It pancakes itself in your brain, and it isn't consistent across the board... sometimes it helps to come back to the basics. Im keeping it warm and humid, and watering with ph...
  16. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey by all means brother, the more the merrier. Alright, quick update: Got ahold of 12 purple kush clones from a buddy. 12 > 0, so here we go! I'm going to give my little god bud girls another day or so in the 'ducer with the CFLS before moving them along to their own seperate station. The...
  17. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey buddy! glad to have you on board! I actually just got 12 purple kush clones from a buddy, so those will be the new project for now, and I have a seperate 125/400 kit for mommas and clones. The god bud is going in there for my next run. So, not going to be a full harvest this time around...
  18. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey buddy, I really appreciate the tip, i'm going to throw a phone book or something under that tray and bring em up as close as I can while still keeping the lid on. By looking at those pics, how long do you figure I should keep this lid on for?
  19. S

    Hey buddy, this is masterb403. im about to start a grow journal now that my seeds have sprouted...

    Hey buddy, this is masterb403. im about to start a grow journal now that my seeds have sprouted, check it out! Changed my name FYI.
  20. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey guys... so after much deliberation I decided to drop the coin and invest in a producer. I got everything set up... went ahead and decided to try a strain all my friends were ranting and raving about... "God bud". Anyways... I germinated the seeds in paper towels while I soaked the...