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  1. clydec

    War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement

    Unless they make enough to buy the influence required to keep it that way. It works for Oil, Banks, Pharma etc. When have artificial markets ever been beneficial for the consumer? Speaking of which, how's that Cap and Trade looking? :fire:
  2. clydec

    War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement

    The problem with taxing it at an astronomical rate is that it leaves incentive for a black market to continue. Getting the criminal incentive out of marijuana production should be a goal of legalization. Legalization with an intact black market will cause more problems than we currently have...
  3. clydec

    Let's talk hypocrisy...

    :confused::confused::confused: Sorry, I thought George W. Bush was a member of the Republican Party. If 2000-08 is what the kids call fiscal conservatism and limited government nowadays, give me back the glory days of Jimmy Carter. :spew:
  4. clydec

    My Healthcare Solution.

    There's way too much money in health care for any real reform. Why does an average heart transplant cost $.5M just for the surgical procedure? With donated parts. It's like trying to legalize cannabis. There's way too much money in it now, on both sides of the law, that you're fighting...
  5. clydec

    from the mainstream's own mouth "you have no choice"

    Sorry, that just makes too much sense for the US. Insurance companies would have to offer a product of real value to cover expenses and options above and beyond good basic health care. We already have to buy car insurance or risk losing our vehicles driving uninsured. Yeah, health insurance...
  6. clydec

    Please welcome Legalize the Cure

    Thanks Dr. Don't get me wrong. I fully support your right to smoke. I'd love to join you. But I don't do this in hiding. And if questioned, I need to be clean. I want it legal so that those who don't smoke can use it as a cure. They should have that option also.
  7. clydec

    War Breaks Out Within The Marijuana Legalization Movement

    The problem is that there is a marijuana movement and there is a cannabis/hemp movement. Is there a tax on barley, malt or corn? No, but all can be used to make alcohol. But it has to be processed. Re-legalization of cannabis, if done without punitive taxation, will allow for tens of...
  8. clydec

    Please welcome Legalize the Cure

    Hi all clydec here. I'm an old guy who hasn't smoked in a while but I do have fond memories of enjoying in my youth. I work at getting cannabis re-legalized through an information campaign called Legalize the Cure. There's a link to the site in the sig. You all know that re-legalization can...