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  1. M

    Why cure so long?

    What a loser.... Ive got monitoring equipment that gives readings of thc and flavinoid content in the exact centre of the bud! Get a life, dude.
  2. M

    Anyone ever tried this curing schedule?

    No offence but thats a rubbish idea. If you dont open the jars at least once every 12 hours you're liable to get mold. Once a day??? Trust me, bro. You're gonna get mold and ruin the most satisfying smoke of your life. I hope I'm not too late. peace
  3. M


    Heav-yy!! Anyway, my contribution is this: Certain strains can make some people excessively paranoid or anxious...There are certain starins Ive smoked in the past that have made me feel like I was on some mild acid; Sensi Star was one of em. Nice smoke but I'd avoid it now as it tripped me out...
  4. M

    Harvest....KushBerry DAY 57?

    I agree...A while longer, not 2 weeks. Are you another vertical cab grower like me then?? I didnt think anyone else did it. Im only doing it because its the only way my light will fit! But, to be fair, this is probably the best result Ive ever had from a setup! You seem to get alot more bud...
  5. M

    Harvest....KushBerry DAY 57?

    Bullshit, why are you guys answering questions that you clearly dont know the answers to???? Dont listen to these guys,man! 2-3 weeks??????? Bad,bad guess! If you dont know the answer then dont potentially fuck up someones grow with a really bad guess!! Im growing kushberry myself at the moment...
  6. M

    Identifying my plants strains from a possible 5

    Ok, bit of a weird question and I wasnt sure where to post it coz Im new to the site but here goes: Basically, I was given some seeds as a gift from one of my friends grows. He apparently gave me some kushberry, northern lights, power plant, super lemon haze and apparently some seeds which...