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  1. C

    What Size Do The Girls Like?

    sorry. isn't it always like that.
  2. C

    What Size Do The Girls Like?

    Now to the ladies. What size cock do you prefer? let's get the truth out there.
  3. C

    Something that every guy out there want's to know.

    well mine's 6 1/4. i thought that'd be the average.
  4. C

    Something that every guy out there want's to know.

    that's great. i'm saying this seriously, i wouldn't want my dick any bigger than it is, i don't want to hurt a girl. and i believe that girls want a LOT more than just a big thingy. such as character, honesty, and all that stuff. all my female friends and sisters say the same thing...
  5. C

    Weed is in your bible!!

    that's what i've been thinking for a long time. how can the government tell us it's bad to be able to use a natural plant. i think that there is a need for a government but there are some laws we have to resist.
  6. C

    Something that every guy out there want's to know.

    yah you're right. but there's gotta be an average
  7. C

    Something that every guy out there want's to know.

    i was reading that Can a guy really suck his own... thread and it got me wondering. how big is the average guy's dick? i'm not a pervert(if i was i would know the answer already) and i know i'm gonna get crap from some people. this thread is in the right place so screw whoever doesn't like it.
  8. C

    nutmeg trip

    it's pretty fuckin bad. i didn't take enough and the trip was just me getting spaced out and couldn't remember what i was watching on tv, it was kinda fun even though i didn't take enough. don't try it. my short term memory was reeeeaaaally fucked up and still is, that happened over 6...
  9. C

    Where to buy Salvia cuttings

    The reason I want to try Salvia is cuz I have heard it changes your view on life and I've read a lot of good about it. I still look forward to the high, but that's not the main reason.
  10. C

    Where to buy Salvia cuttings

    You're probably right. The prices for the dried leaves are pretty good usually. I should just do that. Thanks for posting.
  11. C

    Where to buy Salvia cuttings

    I don't shop on ebay, but I'll take a look at it. Again, thanks for posting.
  12. C

    Where to buy Salvia cuttings

    Probably wasn't what I'm looking for, there are different strains as far as I know. It could be though, I'm not that educated on the subject. Thanks for posting.
  13. C

    Where to buy Salvia cuttings

    Salvia Divinorum?
  14. C

    Where to buy Salvia cuttings

    I can get them from Vancouver Seed Bank, but they're $50 and wanna see if I can get them somewhere else for less. I will pay $50 for one, but wanna do a little price shopping first. Any reliable sites to buy from?
  15. C

    Waaay too many strains!!!

    Thanks everyone for the info, happy to hear from anyone.
  16. C

    Waaay too many strains!!!

    I really wanna buy some shroom spores and there are just way too many sites and strains. which strains do you suggest and which sites are reliable and sell quality spores. I'm a real newbie, help would be awesome.
  17. C

    Shrooms on the prairies...

    I've actually read quite a bit in the subject, but want to see it from different perspectives.
  18. C

    Shrooms on the prairies...

    I live on the prairies in Canada, I really wanna go mushroom hunting in the near future and was wondering when to go, the potency of the mushrooms and any other info that anyone has that's related to the subject. Thanks alot, hopefully i can get some advice.
  19. C

    Looking for some BAD nutmeg side affects

    Yup. But it's pretty good in apple pie.:mrgreen: