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  1. Mhogs

    Taste and Smell

    First off, flushing has nothing to do with the smell of the plant after its been cut. Dry at room temp or a little cooler for 7-10 days. After stem is dry and snaps no problem, I snip all the buds off the main stem into paper bags. I leave them in the bags for another 2-3 days. something about...
  2. Mhogs

    Does this bud looks good to you guys?

    Cook with it if you're worried about inhaling it.. and it doesn't look bad to me.. I've seen worse
  3. Mhogs

    Pictures of my bebe :)

    Flushing is a term used by people who don't understand the micro level of soil growing... No matter how much water you flood your soil with,the plant is still going to uptake what it needs during the process It's in. Quick crash course in organic chemistry might help you understand that flushing...
  4. Mhogs

    chop top now and bottom couple days later?

    Die? No.. But just like any damage(nute burn, topping, pinching etc...) Plants needs time to heal, and then it will continue to mature.
  5. Mhogs

    How is greenhouse bud inferior?

    Don't know where you're getting your info but, no matter how many lights you have hanging over your plants, they'll never replicate what the sun can provide. Some of the highest thc tested plants have been outdoors.. There is a show called "Weed country", one of he uys had his outdoor strain lab...
  6. Mhogs

    Plants flowering july 8th

    Moving from 18hrs of light down to around 12hrs in April would throw your plants into flower...
  7. Mhogs

    7 Days into flower, somethings wrong.
  8. Mhogs

    What is wrong with my OG?? (PICS)

    This is how you become a great green finger.. by making mistakes and learning... Enjoy!!
  9. Mhogs

    3 Strains - Similar problems

    Plants look fine. Get a better handle on your ph but in regards to light. I'd also agree with DFTOKE that the ladies like consistency.. Also, the leaves dying kind of look like they are showing up in random spots. check under leaves for bugs. Autos don't really give you a lot time to "fix" major...
  10. Mhogs

    leafs curling up. "Saw Blade" White hairs dying and shriveling up...

    Run down..... Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk Fem seed Fox Farm original soil General Organics "Go Box" 400watt hps small fan for air movement Was feeding quarter strength up until the 5th week of veg. I always use cal/mag and the proper nutes for the phase of the plant.. So to bring everybody up...
  11. Mhogs

    Never Seen before.. Take a look

    No, I wouldn't have wasted my time, when the stretch occurred I just let it go to see if it would slowly fill in, cut my other autos because they were done. Came back two weeks later and still ugly. So I'm going to grind it for its keef and make brownies with the rest.. freeze them for a rainy...
  12. Mhogs

    Never Seen before.. Take a look

    njhate. Great post. That is exactly what it looks like....Smoke it yet? I didn't even know what to do with it.. I was first going to dry it, Grind it up for the keef, then make brownies with it... unreal....That's Awesome...Thanks
  13. Mhogs

    Never Seen before.. Take a look

    Everything I planted were Fem seeds and auto flowers... I'm guessing this was just an unstable seed..
  14. Mhogs

    Never Seen before.. Take a look

    They aren't seeds, I've been growing 10+ yrs. I know what Herms and all that jazz looks like... I've never seen this before.. No Seeds or pollen...
  15. Mhogs

    Never Seen before.. Take a look

    There are no seeds,,
  16. Mhogs

    Never Seen before.. Take a look

    Auto Afghan Kush Ryder Fem at 70 days.... I'm not sure what happen here but I started these a while back under 20/4 light cycle.. But since this is an auto flower it shouldn't really matter. Started indoors and kept under a 250W hps. Day 20, I put them out doors. I live in the north west part of...
  17. Mhogs

    Odd Question. Re-Auto flower?

    I hooked up on a 420 promo and received Barneys Farm Kush Ryder and Blue Mammoth. Started them indoors for two weeks under 200cfl on 20x4 light cycle in root organics. They were bushy and nice 8-9in tall. Put them out doors 3 weeks ago as both were beginning to flower. The mammoth is doing...
  18. Mhogs

    Flowering Early.....

    Unfortunately they're in containers still (Roots Organics bags). If I were back in Michigan these ladies would be in the ground but the native soil where I'm at in Florida is pretty sandy.. Thanks for the input!!
  19. Mhogs

    First time florida guerilla grow needs help

    So I took your advice and planted these ladies out doors in Root Organics bags March 30th. Well they all have showed sex and lucky me they are females... But now what? i feel like I'm going to end up with tiny little buds..Then they will re-veg. Do i cut the buds off or just leave them? What do...
  20. Mhogs

    Flowering Early.....

    Quick Question. I read that plants wont Re-Veg Until light is around 15 or so hours of light. Well I Vegged 5 plants indoors for 2 months and put them out March 25th. They are all showing sex already and lucky enough they are all female. With these ladies produce or re-veg? What do you think my...