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  1. F

    What do you think?

    Thanks for some reassurance man I appreciate you. Peace
  2. F

    What do you think?

    Im worrying a little bit. Stressin a little bit. Few months back I got caught with possession and paraphernalia not in my home state tho. Im currently growing and take pics here and there..I really want to start a grow journal but fear that it could somehow get me caught due to what happened a...
  3. F

    Thai Stick Leaf Question..

    What I meant is a cannabis blunt..magar...thai stick to my knowledge is buds wrapped around bamboo then coated with oil to then be wrapped by cannabis leaves. I won't have the luxury of getting fresh leaves once the bud I'm growing now is all cured which will be as I said a few months from now...
  4. F

    Thai Stick Leaf Question..

    I'm thinking I could vacuum seal the leaves til I need them?
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    Thai Stick Leaf Question..

    Yo, I've always wanted to make a Thai stick ever since I first saw a pic of one. I've got a few plants growing atm and was wondering If I could gather the leaves for the stick now and cure/preserve them for a good four months til I end up actually rolling the thing. Is this ok to do and if so...
  6. F

    Should I do it

    Last year I transplanted month olds right into fresh amended soil and they thrived more than I had ever imagined. I added compost teas made up of those ingredients as well, probably helped heaps. Think I'm going to go with my original plan and cut the soil with the lighter mix thats about the...
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    Should I do it

    So this will be the first year I re-use last years soil. I've heard mixed feelings of re-using soil but I can't agree until I see bad results.
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    Should I do it

    Medium: year old already used premium medium I put together myself with the help of mother nature of course. Its a 50/50 split between loamy soil and amended promix mycho. I've ammended the year old soil with alfalfa, bone meal, kelp, bird and bat guano, and rock dusts of sorts. 'dirt': when I...
  9. F

    Should I do it

    Heyo bro. So I've got two pots that I'll be transplanting into but heres the thing: the soil is a lot different than how I left it. It's very much clay based now, clumpy, dont like it. It's going to take a lot of work but I feel like I should cut the soil in half and add some loose dirt. You...
  10. F

    What happened to my soil...

    So get this bud, walked to my last years growing patch where I had fabric pots of soil scattered about. I was upgrading pot size so transferred the soil from one to another and as I did this...I looked down at the soil below me. Thinking to myself, how the fuck did my strongest most enormous...
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    A question about Caps Bennies/Og biowar

    Hows it goin today brother. Last year I bought all three versions of Biowar. Looking around I only found two of the three, one labeled Nute, now wishing I labeled the other two I'm not sure what the second one is. I searched the web for pictures of the powder as the one I have is pretty chunky...
  12. F


    Last night I topped my two month old plants and this morning, the topped part looked burnt almost..Im guessing its because of the light but I feel like I stressed the fuck out of them. My first time topping, and I used my fingers to pinch it off. Think they'll be alright and grow like topped...
  13. F

    Indoor to Outdoor flip

    Alright cool, I'll report back to this thread after they've been transplanted to final homes giving info on the stress and growth and what not. Til then, Peace Thanks for the help bros
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    Indoor to Outdoor flip

    Light schedule indoors is 18/6 and im sittin at 42
  15. F

    Indoor to Outdoor flip

    Ive got about 8 two foot high plants that have been vegging indoors for about two months now. They're getting too big for the tent and need to go outdoors. The bad thing is, is that their night period is smack dab in the middle of the day. Wasn't thinking about this when I started them, only my...
  16. F

    ACT system cleanout question

    Heyo hows it goin bro. Im about a month and a half into veg and was thinkin it was about time to hit the girls with an ACT but havnt touched the system since last year. So I decided to clean it out by adding three cups bleach to five gallons and aerating for about eight hours. I then rinsed out...
  17. F

    Can't believe their still going...

    Alright cool, and yeah I could take some pics never uploaded them before tho is it an easy process? I can do it from my phone im guessing right
  18. F

    Can't believe their still going...

    Hey bros. So i went on vacation for about 3 weeks and before I went I watered my babies with a deec amount. I first expected to be on vacation for one week but ended up being Because of the time I was away I assumed theyd be dead, wilted, fried little things under the light with no...
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    Hello all, hope everyone is having a wonderfully stony wednesday. So back in October I got pulled over with a good 2 oz and got into some trouble and ill be on probation starting April. I've got a grow op going on with my friend and he texts me about the op aswell as sends me pictures of it..In...