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  1. W

    Seedling Problems

    Thanks. This being my first grow I wanted to keep it small. I first started thinking about growing back in July. The next few months I spent reading grow journals and FAQs just trying to get myself more informed. After a few months of studying I figure I would give it a try. I talked to the guy...
  2. W

    Seedling Problems

    I never watered them with 7.7 pH water. I was just stating that is pH of my water directly out of the tap. I always let the water sit out and come to room temp before using it to water the plants. After sitting out it dropped to around 7.3 pH.
  3. W

    Seedling Problems

    Thanks. It is only one of my seedlings that is doing bad. The other one is just fine. I haven't done anything different to either plant. One just shriveled up and died and the other kept on growing. I check it this morning and it has started growing it's 5th node. The plant looks great.
  4. W

    Seedling Problems

    Lights are exactly 3 feet from the top of the plants. I'm using a 600 Watt MH/HPS Conversion bulb in a Cool Tube. Temps have remained very steady in the tent. Right about 75.
  5. W

    Seedling Problems

    The temps have stayed right in the around 75. They have fluctuated a few degrees but never into the 60s or the 80s. I am taking temperature measurements in 2 places. One reading at the top of my grow tent and one reading near the plants. I don't remember the brand of soil off the top of my...
  6. W

    Seedling Problems

    If you read my original post I stated, "I have them in small, plastic dixie cups with unfertilized seedling soil. I have not started nutrients." No nutrients have been used. Only tap water. That is why I'm so confused. One day the plant looked fine and the next it was brown and shriveled up...
  7. W

    Seedling Problems

    I believe my sick seedling is dead. There has been no change in it's status. The other one is doing just fine.
  8. W

    Seedling Problems

    Hi, I'm growing 2 Snow White plants. They are about 2 weeks old. Things have been going good so far until a few days ago. Both seedlings showed signs of over watering and I believe I was over watering them. So I cut back on watering them and both improved. Then the day after they improved...