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  1. D

    Advice from the Pros.

    Ok I think I will buy it then thank you!
  2. D

    Advice from the Pros.

    I have another quick question i already bought fox farm grow big. i was wondering if i should buy the fox farm trio for my nutes. its not that expensive but its my first grow so idk what you guys think.
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    Advice from the Pros.

    I ended up buying auto AK from Attitude and now its a waiting game which is the hardest part with anything you order!
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    Advice from the Pros.

    well auto flowering plants its better to leave in the final pot. atleast that is what i have researched. but im putting them in 2gallon buckets idk what pot yet but i will figure that one out.
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    Advice from the Pros.

    Ok so im just in the research part of the grow right now. I have never grew anything but im starting with greenhouse seeds Auto bomb. I made a 2'x2'x3' box with an intake and exhaust fan. I will be having 2 6500k 75w cfls and 2 2700k 23w bulbs on 20/4. I will be using fox farm ocean forest...
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    First Grow...

    yea i was going to get that or maybe the AK Auto if they come in soon. how many seeds did u buy?
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    First Grow...

    What would u recommend? There is a deal for 2 6500k 75w and 2 2700k 100w cfl bulbs for 17.99$. What do you think run both 6500k and 2 2700k 23w i already have then switch to the 2 2700k 100w bulbs?
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    First Grow...

    who makes good widows i was looking on attitude and there are a few to pick from? Other than the seeds the only other thing i need figured out is my fertilizer/nutrience. What is a good recommendation for these?
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    Attitude Seedbank review and questions

    Quick question on this promo do u just have to spend 30 pounds or can it be like the mix a match ones?
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    First Grow...

    i think im going to go with lowryder auto from sea of seeds im pretty stoked on it.
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    First Grow...

    ok i have been on see of seeds but i click on auto seeds and none of those types u recommended came up. im doing it wrong i guess. ha i am a complete noob with this sorry
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    First Grow...

    do u guys have any recommendations where to get them?
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    First Grow...

    does anyone know if this would be a good one to start with?
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    First Grow...

    i was thinking about polar express how does that sound?
  15. D

    First Grow...

    I am a new member here and i just been reading for a while and I decided I want to start my first grow soon. I have been researching alot and about this and i think i am ready for it. I just had a few questions with buying the seeds. I wanted to go with the Auto kind but i cant decide what...