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  1. R

    Deficiency? Bugs? Lockout?

    Hi there! I have a a few plants with what appears to be a nutrient issue, but also seems like a bug issue. The tops of the plants look fine, the canopy is quite lush, but as you go deeper there are pieces of leaf with holes in them (without necrosis, so it HAS to be a bug), but then there are...
  2. R

    Deficiencies? lockouts?

    They actually have looked like that generally since the start, as far as the downward curl and the furliness of the leaves. The heat has yet to exceed 80 degrees once, and the humidity is a steady 40-45%. I'm using a 48" t5 to veg them under, and twice now I have stuck them on the porch for...
  3. R

    Deficiencies? lockouts?

    Hi there! I have these seedlings (not so much anymore I suppose) that are roughly 3 1/2 weeks old (from germination). There are only four, three of which are expressing discomfort, and they are all different strains. All of them are getting the same regimen of nutes (brewing compost teas in...
  4. R

    Help! Limited drying spaces... what to do?!

    Well you don't seem too alarmed about the AC ruining them... the closet has a door of course, so would it behoove me to stick an osc fan in there as long as the closet is sealed? Should I even bother sealing the closet? Would that actually worsen things? I am super worried about the AC...
  5. R

    Help! Limited drying spaces... what to do?!

    I really like that idea. However, the issue I have at the moment is primarily financial... I cant really put any more money into this simply cuz I don't have it. I really need to figure out if the AC (9000 btu) is going to affect the drying buds in the closet... because if it will I will...
  6. R

    Help! Limited drying spaces... what to do?!

    Hiya. I'm about to harvest one of my 3 ladies. What I normally do is chop them and dry them in the same room I flowered in, with the AC and everything turned off and fans in the room. Since the other two are not ready, I am in kind of a predicament. I once dried a fresh batch in the closet...
  7. R

    Need help on seeded plants...

    Here's the thing: I know almost for a fact the other 3 are already hermie. They're just too dense to tell. Someone had my light turn on 24 hours for a whole week at 5 weeks, so I know theyre all done for. What I truly am looking for is to maximize the yield on the 3 that will more than...
  8. R

    Need help on seeded plants...

    Hello. I had a light interruption for about a week, and two out of the 5 plants in my room have hermied out visibly (the other strains are dense so I won't be able to tell till I break it up). I am about halfway through the 5th week of flowering so far. My question is this: If I chop down...
  9. R

    Root space / container size

    Thanks for the replies. So 5 gallons will be sufficient, but here's the next question: If I use 10 gallons for a 5-6 top plant, at a final height of about 3 to 3 1/2 feet, will 10 gallons be too much for a plant at such a height? Is there such a thing as too much root space?
  10. R

    Root space / container size

    HellO! I was just thinking of different ways I could set up my upcoming flowering phase root/container-wise. I am going to be running a single 1000W hps. I have 4 plants that I will put under this light. I've topped and spread them since they were wee. I plan to put them into 12/12 when...
  11. R

    "Queens" strain, any information?

    There must be something! Pweeze?
  12. R

    "Queens" strain, any information?

    Bump for hope!
  13. R

    "Queens" strain, any information?

    I had to train the plant basically in circles to keep it at a safe distance from my light. It was almost 5 feet tall when I got it, now it's around 3 1/2 to 4 feet. (you can kinda see where the branches split from the main stem and circle back down)
  14. R

    "Queens" strain, any information?

    Come oooon. Someone's gotta know something.
  15. R

    "Queens" strain, any information?

    Nobody knows anything? :(
  16. R

    "Queens" strain, any information?

    Hello! I have been flowering a plant that my friend gave me while I wait for my first vegling to come of age. He told me the strain was called "Queens". I looked vigorously on the intarwebz and the only things I could find were Space Queen, White Queen, Royal Queen, etc. And I also heard in...
  17. R

    Question about leaf/plant process and pruning accordingly

    Hello! I was wondering upon something I had heard along the lines, to the tune of this... I heard the leaves that are produces store nitrogen in the vegetative phase, and in flowering transfers the nitrogen to the plant, as the nitrogen it needs has to come from the plant itself in flowering...
  18. R

    Help! My wall sockets are melting! (still)

    Thanks for the replies. I'll try to find out what gauge and what kind of wiring is in the apartment. My ballast however... I don't think it's malfunctioning. At my previous apartment I had a different actual ballast, but it was identical to it in every way. It runs spectacularly cool. I...
  19. R

    Help! My wall sockets are melting! (still)

    Hello. I posted this a few days ago and after trying to find it again this morning, it apparently didn't exist. Anyway, I'm running a 1000 watt light/ballast (with no timer yet) . Since I was running it for 24 hours, I can understand the stress. After about 2 weeks I pulled the plug and...