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    whats the best strian for flourecent lights

    Ok so im just wondering about to start my next grow and i want to know whats is the best strain for t5 fluorescent lights i have 400w of them and need some help if u want u cant help me with the best soil to use and nutes
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    Go Big or go Home...Multi-Strain Humboldt Nutrients Medical Grow

    Hey ive never knew any of my grandparents but ur a good granddaddy for sure big ups man just went through ur whole grow shits tight
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    stealthhy growing 9 4ft t5s

    I have 4 4ft t5s on a vertical wall evenly spaced then i have 5 4ft t5s hung horizontally right above the plants. How many plants do you think i can grow from start to finish with this many cfls. pictures soon
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    too much rain?? IMIDATE

    thanks been here for a while now dont realy post my pics i think its kinds sketchy maybe some day i will
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    too much rain?? IMIDATE

    I have 2 plants both outdoor in 3 gallon buckets and i can pull them whenever but want to streach out as long as posssible till first frost. i hear the longer the heavier but is this a good idea or shouuld i pull them due to the showers. any imput would be nice
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    just found the local hydroponic store and have some question (rookie first grow)

    ok so im towards the end of my first grow and it went ok never goes perfect from what ive read. I am 3 weeks into flowering Florecent grow and was wondering what is the best nutrient to add at the end to fatten them up allitle more befor there hung. also if you would like to tell me all the...
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    Question about Males

    how do i know when the sack has opened cuz i see the sacs but not opened 1s
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    Question about Males

    +rep man thanks i already yanked them i was just wondering when it has been too long and from what i know i dont think any of the balls popped but it sure will suck if 1 did
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    Question about Males

    so im a first time grower and had a little trouble spotting the males righ right away and was wondering how long it takes for male plants to polinate your whole crop
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    Help First Time Grower

    i just switched my plants to 12/12 and all of them are really drooping now and the top leavs arnt growing that well
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    First Time Grow Need Help With Nutrients

    my plants are all like 3 1/2 weeks old from sprouts and i was wondering what kind of nutrients i can buy at like a home depot for veg and also what i should get for flowering. are the nutrients needed.
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    just started my first grow and have questions

    ya but do u think 2x6500 is enough light for veg i do have another ballast for t5s just need to get a fixture. because i would really like to veg under the cfls. i hear hps runs up the electric bill a bit. this is my first grow im an apprentice electrician and know alot about lights and wiring...
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    just started my first grow and have questions

    i just put a bunch of germinated seeds under 2 t5 lights. how long should i use this light before i switch over to my 2 150w hps lights
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    help me with my grow room plzz

    so should i get a 400w hps system and have it run with that light or just take that light down completely
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    help me with my grow room plzz

    ya man im trying to make this worth wile not just a waist of time
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    help me with my grow room plzz

    ok i currently have 2 4ft t5 lights wired together on a single ballast i also have a bathroom ventilation system in my grow room too i am trying to grow 5 or 6 plants and want someone with some experiance to give me an opinion... i am a apprentice electrician so i have wired all this myself and...
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    questions about flourescent lighting.

    hey is it possible to go from a feed of 120 240v into a fuse box so it would be able to power a 150 277v light. and if so what kind of bulbs should i use and how far away should it be from the plants.
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    Help me out with acouple lights questions ondimmer switches

    would a dimmer switch on a 1000w hps light make it have the capibility of working at the same level of a 400w hps light..... beacuse i have a 1000w light but its too big for the room im in you think this is a bad idea?????