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  1. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    Because the reds states are where my money is going.....
  2. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    Yeah one of us does....:roll:
  3. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    I'm writing a check as you read this....
  4. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states
  5. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    Only because the supreme court forced it. But todays court gives "0" f*cks about legal precedent. Ah the good ol days....
  6. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    Lock trump up. He lead an insurrection....I hope I'm on his jury
  7. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    how about equal education for the negros?...that's not covered in the constitution
  8. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    Yes states that ban legal abortion have also banned pills....
  9. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    common sense and responsible thinking is best left to a woman and her Dr, not a bunch of politically appointed judges or preachers.
  10. doublejj

    SCOTUS solidifies the right to carry weapons, shall not be infringed

    I shudder at what goes on in your head...
  11. doublejj

    SCOTUS solidifies the right to carry weapons, shall not be infringed

    the one they are locking up conservatives for daily
  12. doublejj

    SCOTUS solidifies the right to carry weapons, shall not be infringed

    Too bad criminals don't wear signs so we can identify them and take their guns away.....oh wait
  13. doublejj

    SCOTUS solidifies the right to carry weapons, shall not be infringed

    Odd the word 'choice' coming from you....I thought conservatives purged that from the books.
  14. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    so rape never happens where you live?......
  15. doublejj

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    If it's all about child welfare how about Universal Healthcare and free school lunch?......yeah i thought so
  16. doublejj

    SCOTUS solidifies the right to carry weapons, shall not be infringed

    You mean like an elementary student cowering under her desk?
  17. doublejj

    The new Gun Bill..

    It's about time the liberals have a meltdown after the election. We all saw the conservative meltdown after the last election. I believe the libs can do them even better. America is in freefall decline.