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  1. texaschillydog

    howdy, from souther maine

    oh, btw what is the vbexperience thing and how does it work?
  2. texaschillydog

    howdy, from souther maine

    haha, yeah thats the same thing my friend said
  3. texaschillydog

    what is the benefit of vegging indoors before transplanting outside?

    starting them indoors helps because after they get around two feet or so they get really bitter, and animals dont want to eat them as much. that was my problem last year, it was my first grow and i didnt know about deer eating them, so my plant got ate like 2 weeks into the season
  4. texaschillydog

    howdy, from souther maine

    im kinda new to RIU this year is gonna be my second out door grow. last year i had a plant for like 2 weeks but then a stoner deer ate it.
  5. texaschillydog

    Hello From Maine

    yo im from maine to. im gonna have my first outdoor grow this year. i live in lyman so its not really the sticks but theirs some good spots for a gorilla grow. a friend of mine who grows here said that the buds come out real good, you just have to work on a way to keep animals and shit out...
  6. texaschillydog

    Was It An Illegal Search?

    who said i was 16???
  7. texaschillydog

    Was It An Illegal Search?

    my dad made me cut my hair, and my mom is super pissed. im grounded until the court dates.
  8. texaschillydog

    Was It An Illegal Search?

    actually im from maine, the texas chilly dog thing is a joke. i ussually do leave it in my car but my car broke down. and i was selling the bowl to a friend after school, but my papers fell out of my bag in class so i got caleed down to the office. lifes a bitch i guess
  9. texaschillydog

    Yellowing young leaves... Need advice

    dont worry, the plant looks like it will probably be fine
  10. texaschillydog

    Was It An Illegal Search?

    well i got a suspension and two court dates, its a misdamenor, so do you know what the fines could be or anything like that?
  11. texaschillydog

    legal weed???

    i was thinking about buying some of the legal pot, from like or one of those sites. but before i buy them, do they actually work, and if they do whats the high like?
  12. texaschillydog

    Was It An Illegal Search?

    damn that sucks. so now im pretty much fucked right?
  13. texaschillydog

    Was It An Illegal Search?

    i was at school and the principal asked me to empty my bag, he didnt ask he told me i had to, i opened one pocket and empited it out. he then grabbed my bag opened up the pockets and pulled out my bowl and papers, as well as under a gram. but im wondering if that was legal or not?