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  1. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    yeah the plants look very healthy, guess ill just let it ride see what happens. thanks for your help though appreciated:bigjoint:
  2. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    I am not too sure of the pump brand I will have to find out. Yeah the roots are getting adequately sprayed I am sure of that. For a while I thought maybe they are being over watered. I just moved them into the holes that are getting less spray so I will see how that works out. edit: tried to...
  3. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    The roots hang down about 3-4 inches, but there is still more sideways growth than vertical. The plant i upped a pic of has a couple inches of roots but I accidently ripped them off when I was trying to free them up a bit. Plant is still fine though
  4. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    The pump is always on. The roots are constantly being sprayed by the 360 sprayers, that is certainly not the issue I think maybe I should put the pots in the holes where there is less spray and see how that works.
  5. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    yes I understand, thanks for helping me out I appreciate it. :)
  6. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    yes it is a clone, so is this normal?
  7. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    Uploaded with Roots are not growing vertically from the pot. Aeroponics amazon system so no growing medium. Anyone have any suggestions?
  8. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    Also the roots were an inch or two longer before but on this plant I managed to rip some off when trying to free them up from the pot, the other plant has longer roots anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do here
  9. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    the system is fine and no growing medium is necessary, i've seen people use the same system just fine and their roots explode. what exactly is meant by root pruning?
  10. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    heres a pic, as you can see the roots will not grow down, thats the worst of the two plants
  11. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    no growing medium roots are suspended in the air they stay in the netpots for the whole harvest, this is my first grow
  12. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    i'm running an aeroponics amazon system and my roots are growing very peculiarly, they look healthy but rather than growing out of the net pot they seem to be trapped and not wanting to grow vertically downwards, if anyone could advise me I would really appreciate it & if any one has trouble...
  13. Z

    Need help. Root problems are slowing my plants growth down

    i'm running an aeroponics amazon system and my roots are growing very peculiarly, they look healthy but rather than growing out of the net pot they seem to be trapped and not wanting to grow vertically downwards, if anyone could advise me I would really appreciate it & if any one has trouble...