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  1. A

    Is this a mutation or am I doing something wrong?

    Hello everybody, I wanted to do a quick update. So, after transplanting the plant I think it is going better. It still seems not to be growing taller though... do you think the stress damage was permanent? It's her 20th day of growth (from germ to now). I'm trying to keep the temps do 26...
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    Is this a mutation or am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll be sure to check the resource you recommended. I have tried to do as much reading as possible and also checked many youtube videos on the topic but it still is quite much to learn. I am following an article written specifically for autoflowers that mentioned that...
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    Is this a mutation or am I doing something wrong?

    Hmm, I am not sure if it is too wet though. i only spray it with a spray bottle few times whenever it feels dry.
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    Is this a mutation or am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. Yes, I also thought that the soil might have been the problem. I thought the peat pellet gave the aeration needed though? I now realised that I made mistake putting it in a smaller cup (as it would have been done if it were a normal photoperiod variant). I...
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    Is this a mutation or am I doing something wrong?

    Hello. So this plant is 2 weeks old. I noticed that it is leaning to the side (although the lights are close to it), and I noticed this weird shape of it's leaves. Does anybody know what this could be?