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  1. T

    Gorilla glue autos day 75

    Started the grow with sohum living soil, using a fox farm light warrior as the core. Mykos and azos added to soil. At week 7, the leaves started turning yellow so I started feeding at 50% strength. ( First time using living soil, and I believe I watered to heavy, hence needing the supplement...
  2. T

    Gorilla glue autos day 75

    Three fast buds gorilla cookies autos all at day 75. Viparspectra ks2500. Sohum living soil, supplemented with fox farm nutes. Trichome production seems to be low, any tips or suggestions?
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    What’s going on here?

    No foliar feed being used
  4. T

    What’s going on here?

    I was advised to do so this morning, the lights are now at 50% 30in from canopy
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    What’s going on here?

    I have 3 gorilla cookies autoflowers at 20 days. The one plant since it’s first set of leaves has had a yellowish coloration on its leaves, trying to figure out what it is from. I’m growing in sohum living soil with fox farm light warrior center and mykos mixed in. Watering every 4 days or...