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  1. M

    Scrog chopping

    Yea you are not wrong that would be a far more cost effective option, the prices for a mini split are crazy at best so I’m very thankful for this information and the videos to go with it I’m gonna try my hand at it this weekend and pray I don’t mess it up . You seem to have a wealth of knowledge...
  2. M

    Scrog chopping

    Oh mannn I’m so sorry to hear that, I’m sure it broke your spirit to come in and see that. And your right root rot did set in but not horribly, only enough that it just started to be noticeable, I discovered it after I was having a few drinks and I was listening to the slurping of the pump for...
  3. M

    Scrog chopping

    Thank you I hope the same for you. I’m also used to using bottled nutrients, used to using general hydroponics but I wanted to make a switch and am hearing that dry mix is more cost effective. So I’m leaning that way but still going to have to go through trial and error.
  4. M

    Scrog chopping

    5 including the reservoir
  5. M

    Scrog chopping

    I think you read the one reply to the one guy and went off that because you can see I even thank people in a few of my replies. That being said thank you as well, as you answered my question, and I SHARE in your temptations as I can see it’s more than able to grow fill the screen itself but I...
  6. M

    Scrog chopping

    300 gallon pump
  7. M

    Scrog chopping

    Oh you woke up and dident get the pat on your head from your parental figure and are just looking to lash that out. It’s ok I’ll allow you to feel big today. But I’ll remind you that being able to understand is just as important as reading the words themselves. Clearly there is no research study...
  8. M

    Scrog chopping

    I ended up choosing jacks 321 because it was the only name that continuously popped up in almost every thread with someone swearing by it. Otherwise I would have chosen athena
  9. M

    Scrog chopping

    It sure does, via the double digits of threads of people asking how to use co2 or where they are going wrong with it.
  10. M

    Scrog chopping

    The very site your on says otherwise ‍♂️
  11. M

    Scrog chopping

    That whole answer right there, was very well delivered and received, like most people I got caught up in the hype over “give them co2 and they will triple in results” It would be great to get solid answers on how to give your plants the best and what to give them, im still trying to figure out...
  12. M

    Scrog chopping

    A a tank , a regulator and an autopilot controller.
  13. M

    Scrog chopping

    Well the smaller plants are just an inch away from the net, so it was a real “hope”
  14. M

    Scrog chopping

    thankkkk you! And it gets exhausted but only like 4 times a day during humidifier water changes, trimming etc. as for how it’s hitting that high I have no idea cause it doesent even feeel that hot it feels like 80 some degrees and humid af. But the meters are reading it’s past the 100s. This...
  15. M

    Scrog chopping

    the big one is the most confusing because it’s seemingly thriving on those conditions, when it initially sprouted it’s leaves were disfigured spindly honestly I thought it was gonna have to get tossed but for whatever reason it’s growing the best.
  16. M

    Scrog chopping

    yes it is! However ik how to solve both of those problems. The problem I donttttt know how to solve is whether or not I can cut out what’s grown through the screen so far and it still regrow back while I give the others the time to catch up, or will that big of a chop cause it too hermi or give...
  17. M

    Scrog chopping

    if you mean dinky as in small, I was not aware that the size of the space mattered:( I was just under the impression that it would help so long as you could keep it sealed. I haven’t seen evidence that the co2 is hurting them only issues with water and air temp.
  18. M

    Scrog chopping

    I mean it’s growing just fine, I’m not having an issue with growth I’m having an issue with how fast one is growing.
  19. M

    Scrog chopping

    well initially temps never got that high, I would touch 96 at worst but normally wouldn’t go past 90 Out of the blue it would hit that high and stay.. Great question and to answer that, the obsession is everyone wants to achieve the best results they can and help their plants thrive, but then...
  20. M

    Scrog chopping

    I Doooo, but refuse to set it up because of the co2 running. I managed to seal the tent. Butttttttt don’t have a mini split :wall: and the water chiller can’t keep up with 30 gallons. 1/10hp Ain’t shit:(