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  1. B

    Nute burn, deficiency or something else?

    The PPM is now dropping about 10 points a day. It's at 230 now. Is this a slow drop? I should add some more nutes, but not much, I would assume? Maybe up to 300?
  2. B

    Nute burn, deficiency or something else?

    Read that MaxiBloom is very close to the Lucas formula, but a little short on N. I added 10% MaxiGro now and keeping it at 258 ppm for now. If the ppm doesn't start dropping, I won't add any more nutrients for a while. How fast should a healthy 3 foot plant in a 3 gal bucket go through that? It...
  3. B

    Nute burn, deficiency or something else?

    Hi guys, My Light of Jah is having problems. It grows fresh leaves, but all the big leaves wilts from the edges and dies, both top and bottom. Half the plant is dead. Here's what I have: - Light of Jah, 3 feet tall - DWC, 3 gal. - 120 w LED - pH at 5.8 - 5 ppm water with MaxiGro (250 ppm)...
  4. B

    Maxi Grow and MaxiBloom?

    So you just use a teaspoon pr gallon of MaxiGro during vegging and a teaspoon pr gallon of MaxiBloom for flowering? I would love to try this, since I have both at home, but using MaxiBloom only during vegging gave my plants a heavy nitrogen deficiency... So I'm scared :shock:
  5. B

    The leaves are getting curly. What am I doing wrong?

    So it was a nitrogen deficiency. Added GH Micro and they recovered slowly. I was using MaxiBloom alone and it is short in N. Good to know.
  6. B

    GH Maxi for DWC?

    Hi guys, Since I'm pretty far away from the US at the moment, I have to go for powdered nutrients for my plants. I ordered MaxiBloom at first and figured out after a week or so that it's too low on nitrogen and my plants got some heavy nitrogen deficiency. I ordered some MaxiGro too thinking...
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    Powder nutes in DWC Bubbleponics?

    Hi guys! I used MaxiBloom alone for a week and a half now and my plants got some heavy nitrogen deficiency and started shriveling up. Added some GH Micro to the mix and it seems like it's going to survive. Just wanted to mention. Maybe not all plants can survive on MaxiBloom alone? And yes...
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    This is not looking good, guys...

    Ooops... Forgot to mention a very important detail. I used Micro and Bloom in the beginning and then switched to MaxiBloom a week and a half ago. We'll see how it goes now. Changed back to Micro and Bloom today and keeping my fingers crossed.
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    This is not looking good, guys...

    I wrote in another post and was told that GH MaxiBloom was all I needed through the whole way. I added some GH Grow yesterday (which is supposed to be rich in Nitrogen), but it just seems to be getting worse. My plants are 7 inches tall (Light of Jah only reaches around 3 feet full grown...
  10. B

    This is not looking good, guys...

    Hey, guys! I have a problem. This is what I've got: - 2 Light of Jah's - 10 gal DWC Bubbleponics setup - 120w LED - GH Bloom (Powder) - 50 ppm water - Fan They're 4-5 weeks from seed and something is not working right. I've kept it around 400-500 ppm, 75 degrees, 5.8 pH, 18/6 cycle. The stem...
  11. B

    The leaves are getting curly. What am I doing wrong?

    So I checked my pH and TDS meter, and they're both fine. TDS off by 80 ppm, but that was it. Now it's at 520 ppm. Any other suggestions? Could nute burn even be possible? Is 520 ppm for a 6-7 inch plant too much? I'm using GH Bloom only (powder) as recommended by some other users here...
  12. B

    The leaves are getting curly. What am I doing wrong?

    Not really sure. How do I do that? Or check if they're working? My automatic pH meter is 3 weeks old. Edit: Sorry, I'll look it up. Was not really sure I needed to do that. Edit II: It's been looked up and now I realize what those little bags that came with the pH meter was for. One says 6.86...
  13. B

    The leaves are getting curly. What am I doing wrong?

    Still not getting better. I adjusted the pH last night to 5.8 and the leaves are starting to hang now. Also, the bottom leaves are dying. See pictures. This is my current status: - Temperature is down; water temp 70 degrees - PPM at 440 (in 50 ppm drinking water) - pH adjusted to 5.7/5.8 -...
  14. B

    The leaves are getting curly. What am I doing wrong?

    I changed the res and used some cleaner water this time (65 ppm). Adjusted the nutes to 500 and they seem to like it. The ppm is going down slowly and that's a good sign, I guess. I'm sure it will be better when my 125w LED and 150w HPS reaches my doorstep too. Will keep you posted.
  15. B

    The leaves are getting curly. What am I doing wrong?

    My water temp is around 70-75 degrees. So it's better to keep it at a lower pH in the beginning? And going up to 6.5 when flowering?
  16. B

    The leaves are getting curly. What am I doing wrong?

    Hi everyone, I've started two little Light of Jah's from seed (3 weeks old now) in my 10 gal DWC bubbleponic system and everything's been going very well until now. My leaves are starting to curl up a little and I'm worried. Here's what it could be: - They're not getting enough light (My HPS...
  17. B

    Powder nutes in DWC Bubbleponics?

    Thanks a lot for fast and helpful responses, guys. So MaxiBloom is all I need through the whole grow phase?
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    Powder nutes in DWC Bubbleponics?

    Hi guys, I've just started my first grow and my bubbleponics kit came with only 1 dl of the GH Flora Grow, Micro and Bloom. I've used that for the first round of nutes, but I need more. And here's my problem: I live in a country far away from the U.S. and shipping 3 quarts of GH Flora would...
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    GH Flora Feeding Schedule

    Hi guys, Let me try to get this straight, it's my first time growing and I want to use Lucas' method for this: 1. Fill reservoir with 10 gal pH-adjusted water. 2. Make 10 gal of pH-adjusted, nutrient-added (8ml micro+16 ml bloom/gal). 3. Add the nutri-water as the water in the reservoir...