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  1. L

    Over grown ?

    I might just drop the feed to a bear minimum and let them go for another couple weeks , hopefully they use any excess feed up and sort themselves out. Now that I have removed all dead leaves and trimmed should I still worry about bud rot . Thanks again
  2. L

    Over grown ?

    I'm assuming it is too much nitrogen , I did give it a little bit more of a heavy feed once as I planned to start flushing or vastly dropping the feed , I only started doing this last week , that is when the leaves started to turn in colour , that had been fine up untill then . I have removed...
  3. L

    Over grown ?

    On my second crop , decided to do a few auto's. Looking for opinions on wether I've let these go too far , getting a few new large white trichomes appearing from buds ? Cheers.
  4. L

    Finished product, first grow.

    Thanks , it's a hard hitter but I think somewhere down the process something has went a little wrong with it, nice taste and heavy hitting but just something not quite right with it , gutted as it looked amazing all the way through .
  5. L

    Finished product, first grow.

    Thanks mate , the blue sherbert is by far the best , lovely rs11 taste coming through, the grape and sorbet smell amazing but to be honest when I light one I'm a bit like ...hmmmmm. nice and clean but the taste isn't there for some reason , not as much as I'd like anyway. The baklava as I says...
  6. L

    Finished product, first grow.

    Doors open for a coffee ☕ lol
  7. L

    Finished product, first grow.

    Wish I had just filled the tent with that to be honest
  8. L

    Finished product, first grow.

    Thanks very much .
  9. L

    Finished product, first grow.

    Just a couple pics of my first attempt for you to disect, I done 1 blue sherbert that turned out fire . Baklava seems to have lost its smell however still has a nice cake taste to it , heavy grape and sorbet , both have turned out nice but was hoping for a better taste from them . Overall happy...
  10. L

    Little advice please

    There is no way my grape was early , no way atall , any longer and it would have started going sparsy as hell , and my blue sherbert still looks and smells unreal, they all had the same flowering time, I know this can vary slightly due to different factors but 3 weeks surely not...
  11. L

    Little advice please

    I am thinking I was a week too early
  12. L

    Little advice please

    Yeah this is what I seem to have read , the chlorophyll releasing ect , but my buds feel dryer than a nuns.... Well you get the point ! Even thought they haven't been forced . Devastated isn't the word . As I said the one plant I did give a really good trim too seems to still be that sticky way...
  13. L

    Little advice please

    I pray this is the case
  14. L

    Little advice please

    Been drying my first crop for 7 days now , full plants hanging upside down , dark in tent with humidity between 52% - 65% and temperature between 17 -19 degrees. All plants smelled amazing before hanging however only one seems to have kept its smell . I did however give that one a good proper...
  15. L

    Humidity range ok?

    Very much appreciated. Yeah I've read into how it protects the flavours and smell but like I've said before it's alot to take in lol. The room is not reeking and I've read that's a good sign to how it's drying , trying to just get everything as close to perfect as I can ...from what I've read...
  16. L

    Humidity range ok?

    Am I right in thinking 60% humidity is the sweet spot ? For hanging full plants at they temperature's?
  17. L

    Humidity range ok?

    Thanks , I'll give that a go
  18. L

    Humidity range ok?

    I pretty much need to go with what I have at the moment and try make the best if it , will be investing in some more gear for my second go at it . I do have my extraction fan running full pelt , I've not actually tried turning that down , I'll give that a go see if I can get it up a little with...
  19. L

    Humidity range ok?

    My temperature is fine, between 17 and 19 degrees but my humidity levels keep bouncing from around 42 ( lowest ) to around 59 ( highest ). I'd prefer to try keep it at the later , I have a very very small humidifier and have placed a wet towel on the floor to try and raise it a little ? I have a...
  20. L

    Time to dry .

    Plug BCN , wish I filled the tent with just that , looks and smells insane !