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  1. M

    Biobizz + biotabs?

    Hey, im not sure. They advertise as organic but bactrex is a dry additive just for bacteria and some fungi but not all fungi they deliver.. I would need the 2nd product aswell for the myco thingy
  2. M

    Biobizz + biotabs?

    Hello I switched to Biobizz from Hesi but I forgot to buy the microbes pack. I got some Bactrex from Biotabs leftover from my tomatoes.. may I use this instead? Or even buy some mycotrex aswell and add both? Thx for trying to help ❤️
  3. M

    Question about selecting process

    Wow that’s been new to me too :‘) thx for help! I will try my best to keep dam baby’s alive
  4. M

    Question about selecting process

    Hi , how do you guys select your mothers. I’m curious cuz of my spare room. There are multiple way for my understanding now, I could take a clone of every seeds I pop , wait till I tested every finished product and then decide wich clone to keep. I could simply reveg my favorite plant After...