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  1. S

    Is this bacteria dangerous for my seedlings? Please advise!

    Hi Billy, thanks for the response. I don't know what the name would be for the style. Probably a deep water culture? To describe it: The cube is situated in hydroton which is submerged in water contained in a 10 gallon bucket. At the bottom of the 10 gallon bucket there is an aeration cube...
  2. S

    What is this bacteria and is it putting my plants at risk? Please advise!

    Howdy all, second time growing, first time posting here. I recently made the transition to bring my seedlings from my germination light box into the tent. During that transition I placed the rock wool cube into hydroton (which had been washed prior) and several days later I began to see this...
  3. S

    Is this bacteria dangerous for my seedlings? Please advise!

    Howdy all, second time growing, first time posting here. I recently made the transition to bring my seedlings from my germination light box into the tent. During that transition I placed the rock wool cube into hydroton (which had been washed prior) and several days later I began to see this...
  4. S

    Is this bacteria buildup on my rock wool cause for concern? + more

    Howdy all, second time growing, first time posting here. I recently made the transition to bring my seedlings from my germination light box into the tent. During that transition I placed the rock wool cube into hydroton (which had been washed prior) and several days later I began to see this...