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  1. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    So how do I figure out if my room is getting enough air exchange? Isn't there a formula for this?
  2. niggles8

    My grow room

    My place wreaks of dank all the time anyway. How bad are we talking here? Next door neighbors smelling it in their kitchen bad?
  3. niggles8

    My grow room

    One 400w isn't enough for 2-5 plants? I have a 5x5x5 grow area within the room but have no intention on packing it w plants. I'll keep them as tightly together as I can w the 400w hanging closely above.
  4. niggles8

    My grow room

    I have an unused bedroom 12x10x10. I built an unenclosed 5x5x5 wooden structure, mainly for hanging a few shelves and light fixtures. I have a 400w hps system w cool tube made by Apollo. 9 plants currently 2 weeks old under CFL's. I'm waiting to sext them and only expect to end up with 2-5...
  5. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    Haha. My favorite show growing up by far. I created my account last night, went to customize my avstar and instantly knew what I wanted. Carl is the best, gotta love Carl.
  6. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    Sounds great. I think I may pick up a 240 CFM inline fan just in case. It's only $32 on amazon. Until heat becomes an issue I'll use it to bring fresh air into the room. I would preffer to pull air from within the house. Would it be far less efficient to pull air from another room rather than...
  7. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    I've been using a hydrofarm 125w cfl and 2 23w cfl's, getting just about 11k lumens in the small area where my babies are. They are getting larger quick and I need to add more lumens hence the hps I just bought. I do have a question regarding the MH bulb included. I want to use this for vegg but...
  8. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    not sure about the $/Kwh ill get back with that. I have another cooling question. I just purchased a HPS system with a cool tube. The one you shared in the link. There was no 600, just 400 and 1000w so I went ahead and got the 400. I think it will be adequate since I am willing to downsize my...
  9. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    Also wondering about how a 400 or 600w hps would affect my energy bill
  10. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    I also have a question about the ballast that comes with HPS systems. Im reading that they get pretty hot. I was wondering where you guys keep yours, like what surface you keep it on, do you mount it up high or keep it mounted closer to the light itself, let it sit on the floor? Thanks again
  11. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    5x5 is open to the room. The structure I built is just supports and overhead beams. No heat problems, does that go for both the 400 and 600w? About the tin foil, are there any suitable, not so expensive replacements or would you recommend just getting rid of it all together. A QP per plant...
  12. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    Ive been using tin foil taped to cardboard boxes surrounding the small grow area since sprouting. Plants are just about 2 weeks old now. Janky I know, but it does a little at least.
  13. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    no tent, just an unused bedroom. I built a 5x5x5 wooden structure with shelves and places to hang light fixtures. Like I said I don't care if I dont utilize all the space I have. I would love to end up with 3-5 female plants, I'll take my time with them, topping and training each to be thick...
  14. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    I have 9 plants vegging now. Im only expecting to get 2-5 females out of the batch. This is a personal grow, I have no need for 8 or more plants and I do not intend to use the whole 5x5 area within my 12x10x10 room. Would opening the door for 8 or so hours a day help? I really don't want an...
  15. niggles8

    HPS ventilation question

    Hey everyone. First grow here Been doing a bunch of research on these forums learning what I can to get the most out of my grow. I am stuck here with a question though, was hoping someone could help me out. I have a 12x10 bedroom that is not in use and practically empty. I am using about 5x5...