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  1. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    Thanks for all your help. I'll Plant It Lower in the morning cuz I dont want to use my bare hands
  2. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    OK I have this new setupIts Still only putting out 1750 Lumens What You guys think?
  3. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    Wow Great Advice Guys. I need to save up and its sounds like i'm gonna have to invest 35-45 dollars or so the really tall one died (Probably Due To The Stretching) This was a trial run I'm Getting some better seeds on monday. Hopefully the next batch will be better now that I know more about...
  4. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    Thanks Alot Man I'll lower the light right now and im out
  5. *D. Produkts*

    Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!

    Sorry For the double post my pc was fucking up
  6. *D. Produkts*

    Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!

    Hey Robbie If Youi could hit up my thread with some advice I would Appreciate it
  7. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    OK So I Went To My local hardware store and copped some materials. Its a standard lamp with a 26 watt CFl its putting out 1750 lumens heres the pic
  8. *D. Produkts*

    Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!

    Robbie If You Could Stop By My Thread And Drop Some Knowledge I would Greatly appreciate It I just bought a lamp
  9. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    Yeah i like your setup are you getting any decent Buds?
  10. *D. Produkts*

    Me and my GF's first grow//closet//cfl//updated with many pics//experts get in here!!

    Robbie Are you getting Good Buds? ANd What Is the wattage for the bulbs you use Help A newbie out
  11. *D. Produkts*

    CFLs, first grow, unknown indica

    are you getting buds off CFL's? And Whats The Wat Rating On Each Bulb?
  12. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    This IS My First Grow So I Want To grow some buds the cheapest way before I decide to really get into this.
  13. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    Well thats definetly cheaper. Now if i cant get my hands on some hps lights could I substitude direct sunlight for 12hours?
  14. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    I kinda See Where Youre Going. now if were to go with the 6 cfl's id need to upgrade to hps for buds Right?
  15. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    Two strip lights?
  16. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    i have them on sunlight from the window but no set schedule
  17. *D. Produkts*

    I Need Help

    I planted These On The 3rd I cant really Afford Any Fancy Equipment. Basically I Give them as much Light As Possible and keep the soil moist. One is 3 1/2 Inches Tall And The Other is 2 1/2 inches tall I'm Concerned at how tall they are with so little leaves. Is This normal? I Would Love tips...