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  1. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Hidden door is done, finishing drywall and paint this weekend. Light, fan and air pots are in. Beans came..........IN 4 DAYS!!!!! I just need to order up my little things, nutes, ph meter ect. Ill post up some pics this weekend. With my limited height of roughly 5' should I just mount my cool...
  2. selfmedicator462

    Just finished my setup! Comments Please

    here is a solution for your light cords. Put one down the center and use "Y"s or use 2 of these. They are cheap enough.
  3. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Got some more work done this weekend. My knees are shot! Just have to slap another coat of mud on and paint then its ready for power and reflective material.
  4. selfmedicator462

    Where to order from???

    good to know! thanks! I could care less about freebies too. Im really only interested in high CBD strains anyhow so the freebies are usless to me.
  5. selfmedicator462

    Where to order from???

    Their site says the dont ship to the US. I take it they DO? I too am looking for a different (non EU) bank. All my shit will come through Chicago and with the snag rate im worried.
  6. selfmedicator462


    Bummer. The search continue
  7. selfmedicator462


    anybody ever use these guys before? prices seem ok. website kinda bla. shipping is reasonable. With all the customs grabs lately ive been hesitant to order from europe. Kinda looking for different connect.
  8. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Thanks. I think I have everything "finalized". Just need to finish up construction and try and find some good beans. Ughh! thats a whole other issue.
  9. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    I'm one of them guys I have to research shit to the hilt and ask every question I can before I attempt it
  10. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Cool. I literally have enough of this stuff to swap it out after every grow for several years
  11. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Got most of my insulating and ducting done today. I just have to hang some drywall, mud, paint and build a door and come up with a hidden latch mechanism. Should i just stick with flat white paint or use reflective bubble wrap duct insulation? I have loads of it left over from jobs. Im still...
  12. selfmedicator462

    have to harvest

    put a sign on them "NOT READY YET! Come back in 2 months"
  13. selfmedicator462

    Safety feature

    Yeah for $50 you can't go wrong. I also forgot to mention to line the walls of hour grow room with drywall and tape the seams. It will add sound proofing and will add some fire retention to the room.
  14. selfmedicator462

    Safety feature

    Ok so im one of them guys that over thinks shit alot. Im overly safe. i worry about all the little things like getting pinched and starting a 3 block wide fire! So for all of us guys that have small grow rooms.....I know the chances are very slim of a fire but you never about...
  15. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    I just read about 300 pages into MJ Horticulture Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes in the last few hours! Holy shit! Information overload.
  16. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    FedEx just brought me my books. So the rest of the weekend is football and reading.
  17. selfmedicator462

    noobes today gone tommorow

    I haven't seen much hate at all. I've asked some questions that I should have been ripped over but a few guys have really come forward and given me some good advice. Lots of really good info here. A lot of people willing to share their knowledge.
  18. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Menards actually had promix ap. it's peat, perilite and it says lime added for ph. They were removing the pallets of soil so I'm glad I got down there
  19. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    I wish I woulda started 6 months ago cause I'm weening off of Effexor right now and it sux! Dr is givin me generic buspirone which is an ant anxiety type med but it does nothing. So yeah I'm excited to get started and hopefully grow some good mellowing stuff. I haven't drank since 1995 either so...
  20. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Got an earl may. Not sure what brands they carry. Otherwise there might be a hydro store 2.5 hrs away