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  1. D

    Is There a Cure for Powdery Mildew or Just Treatments

    no cure. only treatments. cut down, sterilize and get new genetics. sorry for your luck.
  2. D

    Leaves Have White (dust?) On Them

    yep. will not take that long either. there are a few products to treat it like green cure, serenade and mildew cure. those are what we sell. start over if you can afford to. if not pay $200 and get a sulfer burner and sulfer pastiles, burn when the lights go off twice a week and you will not see...
  3. D

    Leaves Have White (dust?) On Them

    it's powdery mildew. it's a fungus that gets in your plant like herpes, you can treat it but it will be there in the blood. get a sulfer burner and get new genetics after you harvest. clean your entire room from top to bottom with peroxide water. start over. sorry for your luck. i work at a grow...