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  1. M

    Nearing the end of First indoor grow?

    well every day is a learning day it would seem.. :D
  2. M

    Nearing the end of First indoor grow?

    using a Phlizon 600W LED, full spectrum on a 12/12 cycle.
  3. M

    Nearing the end of First indoor grow?

    Shit. Ok. Lesson learnt.
  4. M

    Nearing the end of First indoor grow?

    Hi there.. could do with some advice. I think I'm nearing the end of the grow with this one.. nothing much more seems to be happening. The lower leaves all started turning yellow, then shrivelled up and fell off, this started happening higher up the plant.. i have flushed it, and am not...
  5. M

    No distinct smell

    Hi guys so as an update it's started to smell a bit now.. still not as much as I thought.. and the buds still have a musty smell.. though pinching the bits slightly I get the stickyness and the smell is incredible. Issue I have now, is the leaves from the bottom up are going extremely yellow...
  6. M

    No distinct smell

    Ok, so no I'm panicking for a totally different reason! We're in the process of moving to a much bigger house, I've a proper grow space allocated there. This was a suck it and see scenario, I cleared the grow with my wife, 12r/on off light regime.. she's been ok with that... I wonder that...
  7. M

    No distinct smell

    Using a Coco medium and mycelium root grow when repotting. I've a strict voodoo and cal mag schedule.
  8. M

    No distinct smell

    Thank you.. I've been an idiot and not really charted any times either so not sure where I am! One thing that does interest me is adding a molasses feed at this stage. Is this worth doing to boost yield?
  9. M

    No distinct smell

    Hi there thanks for reading. I've had a few grows outside with good success. This is my first indoor grow with led lights. Just one philzion 600w full spectrum. All seemingly has gone to plan, using star dawg autos. My concern is that although I have many white pistils (for about 2 weeks...