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  1. pang

    First Grow, in the Philippines

    hey weedy how did your grow turnout? im moving to the Philippines next summer, taking my seeds with me. i was considering growing outdoors caz the weather beautiful but i was wondering how to keep it low profile. do the locals recognize it? and how strong did that purple stink?
  2. pang

    Are there online seedbanks who will deliver to the Philippines

    that happens when your not home, u just go to the post office and pick it up.. they prob threw out his seeds for his stupidity i mean if u think about it, what post office invites you to get arrested? are the cops gonna wait for you there? why would they want that kind of publicity
  3. pang

    First Grow Journey: Dj Short True Blueberry

    all dead... fuck it
  4. pang

    4 week old seedling? y wont u grow?

    hey so i finally got some growth today, first time in a few days, i introduced a dark period and moving the light as close as i could, its small but its an improvement, now i know these fluorescent arnt nearly powerful enough, as soon as i can im scrapping them n im gonna be picking up some clfs...
  5. pang

    4 week old seedling? y wont u grow?

    yea? as soon as i get some money in the bank im running out of town to get some bulbs i figured some cfls 6500k would make it up to them as for the genetics their dj shorts, heard good things, but these things are super mutants, like the 3 set of leaves was just one big round titty and one...
  6. pang

    4 week old seedling? y wont u grow?

    k i got dwc with drip, i ll move the bulb another 2 inches lower, my water is not straight but roots are deff growing, o the lighting is 24/0 im inching some of the plants up so the roots hang out of the water. o i have a sprayer in the bottom but the room i used has lots of dust so the spray...
  7. pang

    4 week old seedling? y wont u grow?

    the more i read the more i edit, hopefully i get my shit together before i fuck up this crop, the weird thing is that my smallest plant, with no cotyledons is starting to grow roots.. it cant even reach the water..
  8. pang

    4 week old seedling? y wont u grow?

    hey these are my seedlings at almost 4 weeks, i have them in a bubbleponic with drip but theirs no grow, the bigger plants still have their cotyledon, buried under the hydrotons but none are more than 5 inches roots n all. :wall: all in the pursuit of bongsmilie
  9. pang

    First Grow Journey: Dj Short True Blueberry

    pictures, almost 4 weeks now, i cant believe their still seedlings, cotyledon are still on the bigger ones, i buried them below the hydroton, i heard dj shorts' were prone to mutation, all of mine are a little strange, im tring to pick up some ph strips as fast as i can, ill also be ordering...
  10. pang

    the attitude is a scam

    a lot of good and bad with the attitude, i bought seeds and they came on time it was good but the seeds suck, i germinated 5 in a towel and 5 in jiffies, only 3 seeds sprouted and 2 are mutated also when i sent a email to attitude i swear they didnt read the email at all, sent me back some bull...
  11. pang

    Professional Opinion on LED lights? spectrum

    thanks for your opinions guys. im gonna be a little more specific on what im looking for. im trying to find some quick replacement bulbs for my crappy setup. my plants are about 3 weeks from seed growing in a DWC with drip, im looking for some light to get on these guys quickly because they just...
  12. pang

    Professional Opinion on LED lights? spectrum

    sweet thanks for that, ill take some time for research but first tell me what do you think of this
  13. pang

    First Grow Journey: Dj Short True Blueberry

    got the hydro growing, had no clue how to plant in hydrotons with such little net pots, literally only 2 inchs deep, so i removed the peat and pinned the stems between hydrotons, i thinks i transplanted to early but constantly checking the humidity so often was becoming problematic. i have 3...
  14. pang

    Professional Opinion on LED lights? spectrum

    well this is my first try at cultivating at this level, so im gonna be very experimental with this grow. because of my budget i can only afford cheap chinese knock offs so im hoping for some specs to at least get me on track with what knockoffs are truly garbage and what i can make due with for...
  15. pang

    Professional Opinion on LED lights? spectrum

    hey im looking for led grow lamps online and i want to know if anyone has an opinion on these bulbs. at the moment i dont know anything about lighting spectrum besides that blue and red are best for plants. i'd do the research but im looking for the easy way out with some advice. this link...
  16. pang

    is this a runt or what

    yea dude these seed banks r totally just using us n our love of pot, i payed 15 bucks per seed of some dj shorts blueberry. man 10 seeds plus 3 freebies n all i got to show are 4 seedlings and only one of them didnt have any oddities. this is bullshit, im worried constantly because if the...
  17. pang

    First Grow Journey: Dj Short True Blueberry

    k i decided to drop the incubator and switch to a simple setup in my grow closet, first time im sleeping away from my babies, but at 15 bux a seed u can understand my unease - maybe its because i dont have enough pot to smoke o i got pictures images- seedlings in makeshift humidity chambers...
  18. pang

    seedling help

    same problem here, hey try putting them in a humidity chamber, i just proped up plastic wrap on a stick, they sprang right back up, o and 2" means 2 inches, best of luck man
  19. pang

    DJ Short's Blueberry Smoke Report

    amazing sounding bud, hey im working on some of dj shorts true blueberry, check it out, i would mind some pointers and feedback
  20. pang

    First Grow Journey: Dj Short True Blueberry

    Hey, so here's my specks Out of 10 seeds i have 4 healthy looking sprouts planted in 2 batches of 5 The first batch i germinated in paper towels until all seeds cracked and some rooted, i planted in pure coco coir about an inch deep, after 2 weeks i realized something was terribly wrong, dug...