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    Help planting my seedlings.

    Thanks for the input bro, it's much appreciated. I'll be checking out your grow when it's up bro, hope it turns out good.
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    Help planting my seedlings.

    Hey guys. I'm starting a new CFL grow with some bagseed. I've only grown from clones before, so I'm a little confused with how to plant the seedlings. They have all sprouted quite a bit while germinating in the wet papertowell, I just need to know: A) how deep should I put them in the soil in...
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    Drug Games?

    lol, made me laugh a fuckload when i thought of it :-P
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    Drug Games?

    hahaha thanks guys, i have played both lol, dope wars just gets too easy after you know what prices are good for each product. Any other ones? I wan't to find like a MMO or something like a World of Chroncraft
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    Drug Games?

    Anyone know any good drug games? also join my facebook cause to legalize marijuana :)
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    Lumen question

    Is 6100 Lumen's from 2 U shaped fluorescent lights good enough for one plant? need to know a.s.a.p! it's getting chilly here and i need to take my girl inside.:-| thanksss:peace::joint:
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    End of season?

    Will it keep growing when its inside? cause i don't got any light setup going. and sorry to hear about your poor baby :(
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    End of season?

    thanks, i figured it had to be coming up soon lol
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    End of season?

    I started growing this amazing plant on my balcony lol, but i got it realllllly late so i need to know whats the absolute longest i can leave it outsite. any help is appreciated, also i live in Ontario Canada if that is needed lol.:hump:
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    Clone Question.

    Just wondering, im about to grab a clone off a buddy and im just checking to make sure i can put the clone under the light that im gonna grow with right it doesnt take any special lights for clones? the clone has 3 leafs and its rooted. Thanks
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    CFL Questions

    much appreciated everyone, smoking one for you guys tonight!!!!
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    How do i tell the sex?

    sweet thanks for the advice im just gonna fuck around with the ones i got now and then grab some afghan clones and give it a shot!
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    CFL Questions

    I Was at Giant Tiger, and i was checking out the lights they had and everyone on rollitup told me to buy 2700k for flower and 6500k for veg and all i can find is 2100k and 4100k ones? will those work?
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    good cheap CFL's???

    yeah i know i shouldn't be so cheap but my girlfriends mom found these plants in a backyard so i don't want to go all out on it if it's gonna turn out shitty anyways lol
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    How do i tell the sex?

    are you sure i should putt them into flower already there not even a foot tall lol sorry for n00b questions
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    How do i tell the sex?

    I can't see any thing you are describing for male or female, the stalk has hairs all over it?
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    good cheap CFL's???

    any suggestions highly appreciated.:clap:
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    How do i tell the sex?

    my girlfriends mom found these plants there like 10 inches tall, how can i tell the sex? ill post pics later when i go there. Thanks!!!
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    Join this "Cause" on facebook. It's for all those who are willing to show their support for the legalization of Marijuana, we need to show our love for our wonderful marijuana and let it be known to our government.
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    Legalize it Join the cause on facebook to support marijuana legalization :hump::hump::hump: