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  1. BelgianBudtender

    Question about my line of Nutrients and DWC

    If anyone stumbles on this through searching, heres the answer I got from plagron
  2. BelgianBudtender

    Question about my line of Nutrients and DWC

    I use Plagron 100% hydro for my DWC setup, I'm currently running it dry according to their shedule, just to see. when I add the root stimulator, I get stained water (the liquid is black) and white foam with some brown foam. Their website says the line is fine for DWC, my pH and EC are also the...
  3. BelgianBudtender

    Cal mag nutes

    Thats almost all Peat moss, you will be 100% fine adding Biobizz CalMag at like 0.5-0.8mg/L, if your water is soft (so around 200 microsiemens) there is probably also dolomite lime in there to bring up pH of the peat moss, so you should be fine with your soil for a while. but Calmag is cheap and...
  4. BelgianBudtender

    Cal mag nutes

    The need for Calcium increases as the plant grows, especially during flower. My very soft water + Nutrients might be seemingly enough for the plants in the seedling and early veg stage, but as the plant grows, a deficiency could show up. since its always smart to prevent issues before they...
  5. BelgianBudtender

    Cal mag nutes

    In soil, don't bother. In coco, peat and hydro I usually add a prevention dose of Calmag if my starting water is under 250 μS/cm (~180 ppm)
  6. BelgianBudtender

    Are these seed clusters in my bud?

    Those are calyxes, at the base of those brown hairs is an ovule that turns into a seed when pollinated. the pistil falls off when completely mature or when the ovule has been pollinated
  7. BelgianBudtender

    Quick question about Peat based soils

    For soils that are mainly peat based, is it normal for it to slowly become like one big sponge? Its pretty firm and stuck together, I cant easily stick a finger in the soil like with Cocos for example I'm running in Canna Terra Pro soil, in fabric pots currently 7 weeks into flower, I've added a...
  8. BelgianBudtender

    First grow, question about EC

    I'm at day 54 of my grow of 2 different Autoflower Strains, last night I checked my run off and it read a whopping 2000 over my input. The plant looks healthy, still, but I immediately ran pH'd water through it untill it was down to around input +- 200. My plants are in 11l Fabric pots with a...
  9. BelgianBudtender

    A question about watering Peat Moss mediums

    Thanks, I started my Autoflowers in their final pots, guess im just a bit anxious about overwatering, she seems springy and perky enough.. heres a picture from day 4
  10. BelgianBudtender

    A question about watering Peat Moss mediums

    Doing my first grow with Canna Terra Professional, I hear a lot about overwatering and Im scared to do so. I just gave my 2 day old seedlings about 20 ml of water, 5 minutes later, the top of the soil appears absolutely bone dry. Before planting my seeds, I sprayed about 2 liters of water on my...