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  1. N

    Humidity help

    I'll look at the rest though thanks
  2. N

    Humidity help

    I meant dehumidifier
  3. N

    Humidity help

    Sorry I'm into my 5th week of flower
  4. N

    Yeah Iv read that people run at 70% but then when you Google and look at all the official...

    Yeah Iv read that people run at 70% but then when you Google and look at all the official websites they all state anything above 50% in flower is asking for mould. I have a really powerful extraction fan but only use passive intake so I'm not sure what to do for the best
  5. N

    Humidity help

    Hi, with the temperature outside getting warmer I'm struggling juggling my humidity, when I have my extraction fan on temps are around 23 degrees with lights off but if I have my humidifier on temps get to around 25 degrees, but humidity struggles getting below 55%, if I turn my extraction fan...
  6. N

    Does this look like a Hermie?

    My first grow seeded so I am super paranoid I had been Google image searching but it's easier just to ask to reassure myself
  7. N

    Does this look like a Hermie?

    I think it does but last time I was worried it was just a swollen calyx Thanks
  8. N

    Anyone know what these marks are?

    Gave them a good spray with something called Dr Schimmel yesterday, just looked and can't see one now so hopefully that's sorted it
  9. N

    Anyone know what these marks are?

    I'm in the UK. Thanks
  10. N

    Anyone know what these marks are?

    Thank you. I thought it was that after looking at Google images. Would neem oil solve this?
  11. N

    Anyone know what these marks are?

    Hi, I'm growing in Coco I'm 5 weeks into veg it's Barney's farm runtz muffin.
  12. N

    Anyone know what these marks are?

    It's only on one plant out of 8 they are all the same strain. Thanks
  13. N

    Seedling help

    Upped my lights from 130w CFL to 250w MH and given some light nutes and this is the difference in 48 hours
  14. N

    Seedling help

    Thanks I'll give it a go
  15. N

    Seedling help

    I have been pH my water to 6, what should I do now as my Coco is dry but I don't want to feed at the moment with the condition
  16. N

    Seedling help

    No I didn't rinse or pre charge my Coco, I haven't given them any nutes, I was going to on the next watering whenever that is
  17. N

    Seedling help

  18. N

    Seedling help

    Thanks this makes sense
  19. N

    Seedling help

    The cup feels bone dry? Iv not watered to run off once on the seedlings and this is the only one that's drooping like this
  20. N

    Seedling help

    Iv got holes in the bottom and I have done a few on the sides.