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  1. C

    First time growing. Interested if anyone can tell me what’s going on here

    Thank you for your insight and encouragement. a second lab is unnecessary, I will continue growing them out and will report back along the way. Let’s see how this goes.
  2. C

    First time growing. Interested if anyone can tell me what’s going on here

    I am aware of tmv and not sure if they are reliable or not but I purchased tmv test kits from agdia and 2 tests came back negative for tmv on the mother. She was the first to show signs so before I put them into a new tent I wanted to be sure.
  3. C

    First time growing. Interested if anyone can tell me what’s going on here

    He is actually a pretty novice grower and convinced me to join in the festivities. I cared for his plants when he went away and he hooked me up with my first cuts. He hasn’t even flowered that mother out yet so no guarantees on her being a success I understand that. Guess I’ll have to let them...
  4. C

    First time growing. Interested if anyone can tell me what’s going on here

    This is my first time growing anything. My buddy gave me a 4 clones of some triangle canyon from jungle boys that he grew from seed. Along the way of him growing his plant he kept telling me about these mosaic patterns the leaves almost like a tie dye pattern. I saw it myself and thought it was...