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  1. ChaniceKobolowski

    Dear Internet, I have another confession.

    Winter Woman, it sounds like your friend is in a tough situation and the best thing you can do is be there for her. She would likely also benefit from some professional counseling to help her get through this tough time. What she does as far as her relationship with her husband goes is her...
  2. ChaniceKobolowski

    Whats your opinion?

    Guitar Guy, relax. It is a good idea to talk to her about things you have in common, like school stuff. I suggest you keep in mind that you are just shooting the shit and she is not likely to remember every word you say, let alone analyze your words in detail, as you are. Just be honest and...
  3. ChaniceKobolowski

    Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

    As "Mrs. Uncle Buck", I feel I should add my two cents. My sex life with my husband has no business being discussed online, let alone compared to that of high school parents. I am very happy that you have a compliant and loving enough wife to have anal sex with you less than a month after...
  4. ChaniceKobolowski

    What do you do

    Like. Shalom Johnny.
  5. ChaniceKobolowski

    What do you do

    It seems like your sister is pissed at her life situation and is taking it out on those closest to her. You cannot do anything about making her help around the house, that is your mom's job. But, you can offer to talk to her about what is going on and show her a little empathy. She will likely...
  6. ChaniceKobolowski

    writing papers sucks

    This paper is for a political philosophy class. The instructor likely just wants you to take a stand and support it with philosophical theories you have learned in class. To me, it seems like the root issue is how you view human nature. So for example, if you believe that people are really...
  7. ChaniceKobolowski

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    Try putting the lobster in the freezer for 15 minutes or so before plunging it into the boiling water. Lobsters are cold blooded and the go into a kind of hibernation when they get really cold and move around way less.
  8. ChaniceKobolowski

    *silly women grrrrrrr

    you'll be fine.
  9. ChaniceKobolowski

    What is the best way to grow without my girlfriend finding out?

    If you're worried about hiding your grow, you probably need to decide which is you priority: growing, or having a GF?
  10. ChaniceKobolowski

    some real advice please!?

    A panic attack will not cause death. They are terrifying, but do not cause lasting physical damage. Your friend should google counselors that provide services on a sliding scale (costs are based on income). Many community health clinics and student run clinics provide services for little money...
  11. ChaniceKobolowski

    some real advice please!?

    Your friend needs to deal with his anxiety in general. It sounds like he is having significant symptoms, including panic attacks and lowered mood. He should get some help by visiting a mental health provider for counseling and possibly a medication provider for anti-anxiety meds if he is open...