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  1. C

    Leaves changing color somewhat quickly

    The affected spots changed that much in 2 days. Must be a pretty bad deficiency. :wall:Some other leaves are starting to show the slight like green discoloration. Not a lot, but a few. Almost exclusively the younger new ones towards the top.
  2. C

    Leaves changing color somewhat quickly

    All right. So I did both. The epsom spray and then watered it with the Cal/Mag+ and sprayed it as well. How quickly should I expect to see any sort of results (lessening of the color change on other leaves, etc). Some of the leaves were definitely changing noticeably by the day. Thanks again for...
  3. C

    Leaves changing color somewhat quickly

    I knew I need Cal/Mag. Should have listened to my gut early on. But, I read some misinformation on some forums saying ff trio had enough. Luckily, Cal/Mag+ is 50% off on Amazon right now :hump: It'll be good to hit the other 3 girls with some also. Cheers
  4. C

    Leaves changing color somewhat quickly

    Yeah I've taken a few weeks off of giving her nutes because there was some nitrogen toxicity going on. Gonna go back to giving ff big bloom I think. Tiger Bloom has some extra nitrogen in it and is kinda hot. Trying to avoid more nitrogen problems. First indoor grow so I expected to run into...
  5. C

    Leaves changing color somewhat quickly

    I use FF trio nutes but haven't in awhile because of the nitrogen toxicity I was having. Gave the past few weeks of just water and no nutes (probably 4 weeks). I know ff big bloom nutes has very very little nitrogen in it and is a relatively gentle nute compared to the other 2. Think that will...
  6. C

    Leaves changing color somewhat quickly

    Anyone know if this is something I should be concerned about? This is only happening to a few leaves but it happened within a few days. Some sort of deficiency or toxicity? Indoor under a mars hydro ts1000. FF Ocean forest soil. 5 gallon pot. Week 5 flower. Only one of 3 plants doing this...
  7. C

    Nute burn? Light stress? CalMag problems?

    Think I should flush it? Increase/decrease watering? Give a little bit of nutes, possibly just the Big Bloom? Very very little N in that one and a bunch of good stuff. A pretty gentle nute as far as I've read. Never had this problem before. If it's a lockout.. well that's a whole new problem...
  8. C

    Nute burn? Light stress? CalMag problems?

    Yeah it's overall pretty dark green. Couple weeks ago there was some slight clawing. Knew it was having an N problem. So, that's when I began really easing up on the nutes. I know the Grow Big in ff trio is very hot with Nitrogen. Maybe it built up heavily in the soil when I was hitting them...
  9. C

    Nute burn? Light stress? CalMag problems?

    Hey peeps. Trying to figure out what's going on with one of my 3 girls. All 3 Shiskaberrys. All 3 in 5 gallon fabric pots using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. About 5 weeks into flower. Using mars hydro ts2000 at about 16" above canopy. Used ff trio nutes sparingly throughout their life cycle...
  10. C

    Bit of trouble transplanting

    Gotcha. Gonna wait a little while for the roots to dig in more. Don't think they are totally formed yet. So what do you mean by pushing it down on a wooden kitchen spoon? If you don't mind explaining the process lol. Like shoving the handle through the drain holes to break up the root grip at...
  11. C

    Bit of trouble transplanting

    Just wondering what you mean by push it down on something like a screwdriv er? The plastic pot it is is in is pretty hard. The bottom of it is super hard. The roots of the 3 I took out didn't even have half the roots of the one in your picture, and they were bigger than this girl. Think I should...
  12. C

    Bit of trouble transplanting

    Great idea! Thank ya
  13. C

    Bit of trouble transplanting

    I've got 4 photoperiods going at the moment. All about 6 weeks. All 4 are in 3 litre plastic pots since germination. 3 transplanted relatively fine. However, the 3 were a different breed than this 4th. The 4th has always been a bit smaller than the others. This 4th just refuses to come out of...
  14. C

    Good node to top on?

    Do you grow indoors? I'm concerned that my girls will get way too tall without being topped honestly. They are all on their 5th node right now. First time growing indoors though!
  15. C

    Good node to top on?

    Is it bad to top the 5th?
  16. C

    Good node to top on?

    The title pretty much says it all. For indoor growing (not sure if that makes a huge difference as opposed to outdoors for this method) what node would you guys recommend topping at? I'm seeing a ton of conflicting advice throughout Google and various forums. Was hoping to get some...
  17. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Umm I don't really know much about the t5's. Just Google Mars Hydro ts1000 specs and it should give you a quick rundown. It's definitely a little stronger than I expected, and I watched a ton of videos and read a bunch about it before I bought it. However, the videos and stuff only ever really...
  18. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    Your points have been absolutely zero help since you first posted. You've just been being condescending. Everyone else has been offering advice. You have just been trying to flex the fact that you've grown for no one cares how long and indirectly calling me a fool. Funny, because my girls...
  19. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    That was exactly what I was thinking! I don't know enough about grow lights (especially transitioning from natural sun to grow lights) to fully understand every bit of it. I'm sure it takes years of practice, but I thought the girls would immediately take to the lights. The only reason I kept...
  20. C

    Plants wilting under growlight and I don't know why

    I'm thinking it's because I started mine at such weak lighting. The first week in the window sill was 60-70° days and half of them were overcast. The last two were pretty good sunlight but several days of overcast (max 6-7 hours of direct sunlight through the screen).