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    Soft leaves

    I also have some outdoors that is much older that also had this but it is good now, it took a day to get back to normal
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    Soft leaves

    Idk but they have been fine until now
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    Soft leaves How they looked before
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    Soft leaves

    The soil is happy frog
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    Soft leaves

    My seedlings leaves started drooping the day after I watered. I water 1 time a week.
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    Yellow curling

    I dont know what is wrong with 2 of these plants, they were all grown the same time and get the same amount of every thing. Ps, some of the brown is cinnamon for the aphids.
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    Why are my seedling leaves turning yellow?

    Ok thank you for the info
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    Why are my seedling leaves turning yellow?

    Nvm here are some photos
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    Why are my seedling leaves turning yellow?
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    Why are my seedling leaves turning yellow?

    it doesn't let me upload pictures but I water like every 2 days, they are like 4 weeks but haven't really frown they are very small. I have only gave them water, no feed yet but I just got some mega crop so I'm going to feed them some of that.
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    Why are my seedling leaves turning yellow?

    After I transplanted my seedlings from tiny pots to solo cups with happy frog the leaves started turning yellow. I was using a cheap Amazon light in a small grow box then moved them to a 4×4 with a led grow light.