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  1. G

    Foxtails or swelling calyx?

    Some better pics
  2. G

    Foxtails or swelling calyx?

    Day 62 of flower Lemon Amnesia. Curious if you guys think this plant is foxtailing or just swelling up? Trichs mostly clear, some cloudy and all pistils have browned and died off. Maybe gonna do one more push with new pistils and swell again? Or foxtailing? Sorry for lighting. Thank you
  3. G

    Day 59 are these calyxes swollen?

    Looks nice!!
  4. G

    Day 59 are these calyxes swollen?

    Thanks everyone. Will practice more patience
  5. G

    Day 59 are these calyxes swollen?

    First indoor grow approaching harvest I think. Buds have looked the same for about two weeks now. Unknown strain. Trichromes mostly clear, some cloudy. Plant is not drinking anymore, most of the pistils have darkened off. Curious if you guys think the calyxes have swollen or not yet. If I...
  6. G

    Week four flower - Hermie?

    I’ll finish it out and see if things turn around for them. Most likely a hermie but checked this morning and no bananas or seeds showing yet. This indoor growing takes a lot of trial and error I guess.
  7. G

    Week four flower - Hermie?

    I guess I’m not too sure why I’m bothering. Hoping I guess that it will turn around. You are right I probably should just pitch it.
  8. G

    Week four flower - Hermie?

    Long time outdoor grower here attempting first indoor grow. I have two strains going right now about week four/five of flower. The lemon cake strain is doing amazing but the other strain (unknown) has some really weird bud growth. I had a plant outdoor last season get pollinated by local hemp...