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  1. hazyvonne

    Help please, cotyledons on seedling look bad after removing shell

    I need your guy's/gal's expertise again. My latest little seedling did really good at the start. Grew a nice tap root in the paper towels. Then I moved her into a rapid rooter in a seedling pot. Again, she did great, poked her head out after just 24 hours. But then 3 days after poking her head...
  2. hazyvonne

    Plant looks "weird". Is it a male?

    Thank you, everyone! Not the answer I wanted to hear but at least now I won't waste any more time on this boy.
  3. hazyvonne

    Plant looks "weird". Is it a male?

    I recently got back into growing after taking a year off. I still had some feminized seeds stored and while the first one I tried ended up being a dud, the second one germinated without an issue. She's now in her 5g pot and not quite 3 weeks into veg. I know it's early to sex her but she just...
  4. hazyvonne

    Lower leaves turning yellow on young plant

    UPDATE: Thank you, everyone for your replies! After reading your answers I immediately went and gave her some nutes. Upon closer inspection I noticed that none of her growth tips had grown either - they were all just a few millimeters when in previous grows they were at least a couple of inches...
  5. hazyvonne

    Lower leaves turning yellow on young plant

    This is my latest girl - a Banana Blaze. She's 4 weeks into veg, growing in soil (fox farm ocean forest). So far no nutes and been watered with nothing but distilled water until about 3 days ago. Started with 24/0 and switched to 18/6 about a week ago. I'd say size wise she's about a week behind...
  6. hazyvonne

    Seed germinated but won't sprout

    Hi everyone! You guys and girls have given me good advice before so I'm turning to you again. I'm on my 6th grow right now. I've been doing the exact same thing every time, and had wonderful results, so I figured if it ain't broke don't fix it ;) Here's what I do: I put the seed in a glass of...
  7. hazyvonne

    Real noob question: where do I want the light?

    Maybe I did not word this correctly. I'm sorry, english is not my first language. What I would like to know is whether I should tuck the leaves away to expose the growth tips to the light better or whether to let the leaves cover the tips. I have a spiderfarmer LED light.
  8. hazyvonne

    Real noob question: where do I want the light?

    My plants are a few weeks into veg. I keep wondering which part of the plant do I want most of the light on - the (fan) leaves, because they power the growth, or the growth tips? In other words should I tuck the leaves away or even defoliate so the light hits the growth tips straight on or do I...
  9. hazyvonne

    Need advice: Newbie ScrOG question

    Thanks everyone for the replies! I'll keep training the branches along the trellis but won't worry so much about tucking leaves away for now. :D
  10. hazyvonne

    During Veg - light on leaves or on bud sites?

    Thank you for your replies. I'll won't tie-up the leaves so much anymore. @StareCase, thanks for the tip with those clips. I couldn't figure out how to tie anything to the fabric pots. I bought a whole grow tent kit which included a LED light...
  11. hazyvonne

    During Veg - light on leaves or on bud sites?

    I already asked this question in the newbie section but didn't really get an answer to my question, so I hope it's ok to post it here as well. I'm on my first ever grow, week 6 of veg. I started to ScrOG about a week ago. My plant is an Alaskan Purple, very short, very bushy with tons of big...
  12. hazyvonne

    Need advice: Newbie ScrOG question

    Hello again! I'm now in week 6 with my very first grow. She's doing great, recovered beautifully from being topped and seemed to enjoy the light LST I did. I felt she was now getting big enough to get started on ScrOG. I read a few guides watched some videos and got started. Now I'm confused...
  13. hazyvonne

    Need advice: Short and bushy - should I defoliate as well as top?

    Thanks everybody for your replies! I went ahead and topped her. I'm pretty sure I did it right. Then instead of cutting leaves off to let more light to the new growth, I decided to try my hand at some light LST. Tucked and moved leaves around. Secured some with some plant twisty ties. Kinda...
  14. hazyvonne

    Need advice: Short and bushy - should I defoliate as well as top?

    It's now been exactly 30 days since I put my very first seed in a glass of water (an Alaskan Purple). She has grown beautifully and is pretty short (less than 5 inches) and rather bushy. She now has 6 nodes so I'm planning on topping her today (just need to get my courage up to actually do it...
  15. hazyvonne

    How does she look to you? Too tall?

    Thank you for your reply. It's not an auto. I put the seed into a rapid rooted which I immediately put into a 5gallon smart pot. I didn't want to mess with transplanting later on, so yeah, the pot is a bit huge right now. I lowered the light about 3 inches and will monitor how she's doing with that.
  16. hazyvonne

    How does she look to you? Too tall?

    My first ever plant is on day 7 and her first leaves are now out. The first picture is my plant, the second picture is one I found in an online guide about what a healthy seedling should look like. The seedling in the example picture is a lot shorter and thicker. I thought we were doing great...
  17. hazyvonne

    First grow - taproot pushing seed out of soil?

    Thanks for the advice. I'll go do that right now. :D
  18. hazyvonne

    First grow - taproot pushing seed out of soil?

    Thank you! So it's now time to turn the light on and do a 16/8 schedule, right?
  19. hazyvonne

    First grow - taproot pushing seed out of soil?

    This is my first ever grow. I put my seed in a glass of distilled water for about 24 hours. At that point it was sunk to the ground and I thought I could see a slight crack. I put the seed about 1/4 inch deep into a rapid rooter and then put the rooter in my 5-gallon pot. This was Friday...