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  1. dr.tree

    wtf is this.SOMEBODY HELP

    Bad mold scale. It's trash smoking bud w/ mold will make everyone really sick. I know that's not what you want to here
  2. dr.tree

    deformed clones , Only I could do this !

    Put more light on them they should grow out of it the twisting leaves are the plant reetering best. The leaves that only have one or three blades is caused from not having enough light. No worries
  3. dr.tree

    Ordered some seeds from Herbies

    Any one get herbies through Chicago lately
  4. dr.tree

    twice now intercepted

    Mine were fast and green taped and I mean fast 6 working days
  5. dr.tree

    "They took em" Update!!

    Hope my reship make s it
  6. dr.tree

    Where to order from???

    God I hope so I jump ship on waiting on attitude and put a order in with them
  7. dr.tree

    Attitude Seed Bank Compromized

    I have a reship from the tude trying to make it and first try from herbies. One is going to make it I hope. All the local gear you can buy around here isn't what I'm looking for. Clones at the end of summer forget about it I'm not into a chance for someone's mite problem
  8. dr.tree


    In Chicago and all Illinois Marijuana is serious shit I think that even possession of over a oz is a felony
  9. dr.tree

    How many UVB light bulbs do i need to see a difference in a 4x4 tent?

    Just buy the 600 uvb bulb kinda expensive but if you want the results it's the way to go. Most hydro store will have to order them. I think mine cost 125$ and is a six hundred as well. Never tried the florescent one's but I think that you could expect to see results like all cfl and florescent...
  10. dr.tree

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Pot is just a plant and like all plants your highest yield are not your sweetest. The best tomato isn't on the biggest plant the hottest pepper is on the plant that is grown in the hottest driest climate. Hydro growes the biggest best looking bud but not even close to the best. Every 20% + thc...
  11. dr.tree

    Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK

    Dropping firts around week 6 of flower ing let's the plant use up all the soil and will give you the smooth smoke. I know that if you push it to the end you will get a small increase in yield but you risk the plants having to high on a salt content. I use a supper soil is there is a lot of heat...
  12. dr.tree

    new beginnings!!! 3k$ later ;)

    I think that the h1 h2 are organics but not sure. Other co. Make humic and folics I just like the ph adjusted a.n. and it's results that you can see
  13. dr.tree

    'I got 50 ounces out of a 4x4 tent' guy

    Yup canna or a.n. big yield. I know a few people that use canna lot of show and lot of buds. I want to try it. I think my super soil /a.n. is better as far as smell, high go. but every grower is different. Coco is something I need to get more familiar with I have read that there are some...
  14. dr.tree


    First time I've had a problem but my last order was over a year ago and after complaining to some buds around town last night finding the same experience I had has happened to everyone that has ordered in the last few months. Then I read all the forums here and wish I did b4 I ordered. I've...
  15. dr.tree

    'I got 50 ounces out of a 4x4 tent' guy

    I think that people who use fluorescent light and 1k hps might have a different interpretation of heavy yield
  16. dr.tree


    Attitude web page sad that there closed for a bit suck cuz my reship will take forever now do you just email them with some pictures of the green tape and the address stickers??
  17. dr.tree

    Attitude Seed Bank Compromized

    Tga is stocked local y and over done round here + there the not stable you have to pop a few 10 pack to find a keeper good just a lot of work
  18. dr.tree


    So loquacious you have never had a problem in one post and the next post you've had problems but they took care of it. So what is it. Meowlisten here do you have a link for a US bank that is fast to ship or one you've used I think the US has the best stuff anyway it is kinda funny that I'm...
  19. dr.tree

    Attitude Seed Bank Compromized

    I don't have to guess who you work for. With your robot reply. Attitude is great Chicago just won't let it through. So loquacious how many times is attitude going to try. Just asking you since you work for them