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  1. Z

    Close to harvest?

    I should add that they were just under a 300w light for about 4/5 of the grow so far.
  2. Z

    Close to harvest?

    Thanks mate. Its illegal here so I have had to be resourceful. Been using a rustic, homemade setup. Even if it's rank, I'll smoke it proudly.
  3. Z

    Close to harvest?

    Been wondering what a nanner actually is. Thanks.
  4. Z

    Close to harvest?

    I have 1x 300w and 1x600w led. I think when I started using the 300w light for side lighting, the shorter one started foxtailing. I since changed that to just top lighting. I also had the odd night where I messed up the schedule and exposed light and/or dark for a few extra hours. Poor plants...
  5. Z

    Close to harvest?

    Hi, I'm not sure if I'm close to harvesting but was hoping someone could provide some guidance. I have 2 plants (both unknown strain) and today is day 1 of week 9 in flower. I have done so much wrong and made so many mistakes. What a rollercoaster. Plant 1: Plant 2: Plant 2 has nanners I...
  6. Z

    Is this normal flowering?

    Thanks all for the info and replies. I took some tweezers to the nanners as best I could.
  7. Z

    Is this normal flowering?

    Hi all, Is this normal flowering? I don't know strain or anything about the plant. I'm nearing the end of week 7 in flower. The plant itself is very short and bushy. Thanks :)
  8. Z

    Trim tray... Homemade alternatives?

    Ah wicked! That's given me hope. And inspiration! Thanks
  9. Z

    Trim tray... Homemade alternatives?

    Hi all, I am a few weeks away from harvesting and I have some nice trichome covered leaves. I see that trim trays are a thing and look like a great way to catch all them trich's when harvesting... Does anybody have any experience with homemade alternatives? They're quite expensive where I am...
  10. Z

    Broke stem off in flowering

    Thanks all. I tried to reattach using tape but I had such a small bit of stem to work with and it was very busy with lots of leaves getting in the way. I have taken the steps to clone it and will just wait I guess. I had to use soil as it was all I had available. Was a bit of a hack job so I'm...
  11. Z

    Broke stem off in flowering

    Hi. I accidentally broke the stem off one of my plants while in the start of 3rd week of flower. I had not preciously topped this plant so was considering it anyway but was reluctant as it was in flower. The part that broke off is right near the top of the plant at the base of the main cola...
  12. Z

    Sexing these badboys

    Great advice! Appreciate the support. This is a very helpful community
  13. Z

    Sexing these badboys

    Ah wicked. Thanks for the heads up!
  14. Z

    Sexing these badboys

    Thanks mate. Good looking plant!
  15. Z

    Sexing these badboys

    I have asked already but he has no clue. Unfortunately, its not legal where I live so we just have to take what we can get Will take a clipping from my healthy female though and have smaller plant that hasn't shown sex yet. Cheers
  16. Z

    Sexing these badboys

    Ah damn. Appreciate the help! Thanks.
  17. Z

    Sexing these badboys

    Hi, 1st time growing here and am in the flowering stage with 4 plants. I have no idea what strain I am growing as the seeds were all random and from a buddy. 1 of my plants I can clearly tell is female but 2 others I think are male but I'd love a second opinion from someone more experienced...