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  1. D

    Angry the next morning

    I don't smoke in the morning nor do I smoke during the week,I drive a company truck and I need my job. When I do smoke,it feels great,and relaxes me,it's the next morning for no apparent reason,I get angered at nothing lol
  2. D

    Angry the next morning

    Are you trying to make me mad,or are you just gay and desperate? All you talk about is a man's penis lol,I think you're an idiot but that's my opinion,go get laid
  3. D

    Angry the next morning

    No,it was grown,I know the grower
  4. D

    Angry the next morning

    Your mama thinks I have a big penis
  5. D

    Angry the next morning

    It seems that the next morning after smoking marijuana,Marijuana, have serious anger issues,anybody else have this problem and what can I do about it? I usually hit the pipe once or twice on an occasional weekend,im not a heavy smoker. Any help would be appreciated