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  1. T

    is it to late to lollipop in week 4 of flower?

    thanks for the feed back much appreciated!
  2. T

    is it to late to lollipop in week 4 of flower?

    this is my first grow i defoliated in the second week of flower I probly should have lollipop them as well. but I'm just wondering if anyone has lollipop in week 4 of flower or if its a good idea to do it. or should I just leave it?
  3. T

    Is this normal when doing LST?

    cool thanks for the feed back I will keep that in mind for the next grow!
  4. T

    Is this normal when doing LST?

    sorry the image i had attached didnt show up I will try again
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    Is this normal when doing LST?

    so I thought I would try lst training today. I tied back the main stem and when I checked on my plants 5 hrs later and seen this. not sure if this normally happens or if I did something wrong. any feed back would be greatly appreciated.
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    first time grower and wondering if my plants are on the right track...

    I have been reading and watching videos on lst it does look really easy. I haven't done it before this is my first grow. how many times do you normally top your plants?
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    first time grower and wondering if my plants are on the right track...

    awesome thanks for the feed back I will definitely wait till the branches get longer before starting lst.
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    first time grower and wondering if my plants are on the right track...

    thanks! I was thinking about topping it yesterday but I did it today I topped all 3 plants hopefully it works out lol. when do you think I should start LST?
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    first time grower and wondering if my plants are on the right track...

    thanks! I have some purple granddaddy to try after this!
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    first time grower and wondering if my plants are on the right track...

    thanks man! and Merry Christmas to you as well. I was worried for a bit. what do you think about the bottom leaves with the weird twist? do you think it could be from my earlier mess ups?
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    first time grower and wondering if my plants are on the right track...

    so I started growing white widow feminized seeds from farmers lab. I used blue sky organics soil. they germinated in a couple of days and once I put them in soil. I made the beginners mistake and watered them everyday for the first 3 days of them being in soil until I did some more reading about...