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  1. C

    Brown Blotches: phosphorus deficiency?

    Moved these girls outdoor 2 weeks ago. growing in 5 gallon buckets with potting soil and perlite. watering every 3-7 days with a half dose of GH nutrients. pH to 6.5. Recently started getting pretty hot. 80-90 in CA. most of the plants look fine but 3 of them are showing brown blotches on some...
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    1 seed germinated into 2 sproutlings.

    how are they looking now?
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    Rate My Grow - Any Advice Appreciated

    Picked up 5 clones 20 days ago. Here they are now. I've topped and LST'ed all the girls. Probably should have topped before LSTing. Oh well. Tops went into a humidity dome. First time attempting cloning. I got impatient and decided to take another round of clippings from them a week later. Veg...
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    Would this RDWC work? Tried to make it as simple as possible

    ahh didnt think about that. what if i connected them all in a in this video ?
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    Would this RDWC work? Tried to make it as simple as possible

    that picture really doesnt show any of the piping/tubing. could you explain your setup? thnx
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    Would this RDWC work? Tried to make it as simple as possible

    ok, i just don't understand the benefit of that over this more simplistic approach.
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    Would this RDWC work? Tried to make it as simple as possible

    why would you need a powerful pump? as long as water is coming in the water will be moving, right?
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    Would this RDWC work? Tried to make it as simple as possible

    So run 4 lines from the water pump to each bucket. ok. And maintain the return hoses how they currently are?
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    Would this RDWC work? Tried to make it as simple as possible

    Create a current flow by dripping into the top of the left bucket and having all the other buckets connected at the bottom.
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    Droopy leafs?

    Thanks for the input. I put a small heater in with them and kept feeding them nutes. Maybe they were under fed or too cold. Either way they look better now. Thanks
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    Droopy leafs?

    Just got back into growing. Picked up these clones 3 days ago and they've been drooping pretty much since I planted them. Soil is draining well. Roots are forming and look good. Gave them some nutes today. Using x4 2foot T5's. Thinking I'm either over watering or it's too hot. The room is...
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    First grow Plant problems

    I bought them 9 days ago. they came in a foamy sponge like cube. when I replanted them 4 days ago i noticed the roots already grew 2 or 3 inches into the soil. The lights are only 23 watts and they all pretty much an inch away. I guess I'll raise 'em a little.
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    First grow Plant problems

    So I have 3 small clones. 2 of them are starting to get purple stalks and stems. The purple goes in a vertical line up the plant. Also, One of the plants, I can't tell if I'm under watering or over watering it because the leaves are sagging, but its still growing. The other 2 plants look fine...
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    First Grow- Need Some Advice

    Should I ever use a spray bottle to give them some H20? Also, because I dont have an outtake fan, I'm leaving my closet cracked so air from my room well seep in/out. I'm watering every other day.
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    First Grow- Need Some Advice

    Thanks,,,,, but I already put in a teaspoon of the organic fert...... i guess I should go try and take it out lol
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    First Grow- Need Some Advice

    Here's an update: So I replanted into 2 gallon pots. I also took back my T5 tube because it wasn't high output. I put in x8 23 watt 5500k CFL's and x2 23 watt 2700k CFL's. I'm using a mix of miracle grow, yes I know it's frowned upon, on some good soil from my garden. I added some all purpose...
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    First Grow- Need Some Advice

    Ok. I'm confused when it comes to soil. Could I just go down to OSH or Home Depot and find a bag of potting soil that has the right nutrients in it? or do I need to mix stuff together?
  18. C

    First Grow- Need Some Advice

    Here's my setup: (indoor) Please tell me if you see something wrong.... I just got my medical card so I decided to buy 3 clones from a dispensary. I planted them in regular potting soil because I was in a rush and , I think this is my biggest mistake. They are under 2 T5's 14 watts 6,500...