Search results

  1. frankz

    Using Automotive HIDs for a grow....??

    they would seem to concentrate the beams instead of the round diffusion of cfls...... for power supply "i think" you could use an old computer power supply.... they are 400 watts and produce some 14 volts dc...... same for case fans..... 80mm case fans can be bought new for under 2 dollars a...
  2. frankz

    cheap 6 layer water filter

    Disposable Countertop Water Filter just thinking about getting one of these for christmas..... 10k-30k gallons life expectancy and it removes clorine not just flavoring it like the cheap pitcher filters anyhow anyone use something similar to this.....its 80 bucks so not free but it that would...
  3. frankz

    Chlorinated water

    just wanted to throw in my 2 cents..... Disposable Countertop Water Filter seems like the way to go 10k-30k gallons for under 80 dollars of clean clorine free water pours about 1 gallon per min..... any ideas whether these are any good or not
  4. frankz

    how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????

    YouTube - Barack Obama on Marijuana Decriminalization (2004) from his own mouth......"we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws" this is just one time .......if you look around their are several videos of him saying the same thing i feel good that at least he has concern for...
  5. frankz

    how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????

    obama has said several times....he would not spend a single federal dollar prosecuting medical marijuana patients and the like.... in states that allow it.... also if you look at his poster he always has "change we need " tell me does that not look like "change weed" they do that stuff...
  6. frankz

    Underground sea container grow room!

    red necks in my area use old school busses buried in hill sides for tornado shelters.......why not......
  7. frankz

    how to tell dif between overwater and nute burn

    im a noob and to me the plants look very similar.....overwater or nute burn.... am i just looking at the yellow leaves .............or is thier something a person should be looking for......... i have read alot around here well enough to know that over water and nute burn are the too...
  8. frankz

    how much power does a 5200 wall unit ac cost

    5,000 BTU Mechanical Window Air Conditioner ok ill post it again.........the 89 dollar 5000 btu was at wolly world this one is still under 100 dollars with a 5 yr warranty.....
  9. frankz

    how much power does a 5200 wall unit ac cost

    5,000 BTU Mechanical Window Air Conditioner 5000 btu under 100 bucks new.......i did see them for 89 dollars just 2 days ago....
  10. frankz

    rotating nutes...3 phase 2organic 1 chem

    7 unsexed plants so im hoping for at least 4 ladies....and its 400 watt soil 8 and 10 inch pots.....starting 12\12 any day was gonna switch yesterday but want to give couple more days vegg......i moved light down about 6 inches and they exploded so im gonna let them fill out a bit...
  11. frankz

    rotating nutes...3 phase 2organic 1 chem

    this is a first grow for me and ive been learning as much as i now on my 3rd change in question is or has anybody tried this.....alternating between organic and chem nutes every feeding.....ex feed worm poop (its actually chicken poop marketed as worm poop as it has small...
  12. frankz

    how much power does a 5200 wall unit ac cost

    ac units start at 89 dollars for the smallest models.....I would think even the smallest well placed would keep room nice and cool
  13. frankz

    flower nutes from chain store will it kill them

    i purchased a box of KGROW today on impulse then realized i better not even think of using it till i run it by you guys....... the 3 numbers on the front are 15-30-15 this will be for flowering what is in it total nitrogen 15% 5.7% ammoniacal nitrogen 9.3% urea...
  14. frankz

    Great Stoner Quotes

    "honest officer we had no idea lsd was illegal in the state of ohio"
  15. frankz

    mixing human vitimans with sugarwater

    not to bore you all with questions but they dont have hydoshops where i live so i have to improv everything i cant find at normal garden stores.... anyhow something i was gonna try for a water additive....not a full feed just with every other watering ..... 1 gal water........try to use...
  16. frankz

    Ratty's At It Again!! White Widow Round 2!!

    i dont think anyone would take your plants and leave your light......that was a nice light man....sounds like your bud may need a talking to not to be negative or anything
  17. frankz

    odor eliminating cfl's 23watt frest2ti

    yes i like the smell also.........cops and neighbors dont so again i ask this in all seriousness has anyone tried these do they work.....again in dont have 40 to throw out the window if its known they do not work.... 23 Watt Fresh2Ti Odor Eliminating Compact Fluorescent
  18. frankz

    odor eliminating cfl's 23watt frest2ti Customer Reviews: 23 Watt Fresh2Ti Bulb, Spiral, Compact Fluorescent here is another review for sure someone in here has tried them my main thing is neighbors just smelling smoke would be nice to have something that could do both job of worklight and odor...
  19. frankz

    odor eliminating cfl's 23watt frest2ti

    Energy Saver News; WattBusters - Life with the Fresh2Ti has anyone tried these they are only 10 bucks a peice and suppose to eliminate odor for 3 yrs..... the story above a guy had a kitchen fire and put them in his house to get rid of the heavy smoke odor.....according to link above they say...
  20. frankz

    planted 1 seed and 2 plants popped up in same pot

    is this of my white widows sprouted 2 plants in one pot just side by side....and i know i used only one seed the 2nd one popped up about 2 weeks after the first one popped up i have yet to see if they are from the same root system anyone ever seen twins like this or is it a...