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  1. skint502

    {Plant wilting?} worried but maybe for nothing.

    its only the top leaf though. in the back. iit has spun more today it just is worrying me i guess.
  2. skint502

    {Plant wilting?} worried but maybe for nothing.

    Hello guys i noticed my plant this morning wanting to almost do a 180 with its leaves . should i be worried. anything i can do to fix this?? im using FFOF 75% with 25% added perlite 42 watt cfls (4 bulbs) temps stay between 68-80 degress . but humidity jumps from 25-60%
  3. skint502

    My first grow guys!

    they look so damn beautiful hahaha i cant wait to have a plant like that. got about 3 months or so though :(
  4. skint502

    Cheap grow / First time growing.

    Day 2 or 3 i cant remember :P gotta get a calender doesnt really matter i guess since im not starting to count veg untill all of my seeds pop so my first 2 plants up now will have a extra week of veg compared to my motavation + warlock. I noticed i have done the most noobie mistake ever and...
  5. skint502

    My first grow guys!

    cdd how many amber trichs are you waiting for to harvest i have read the less amber trichs the more of a clearer buzz it is say if you were to harvest at 30% amber the week of flushing or however they will still produce more amber to like 40% and it would be more of a heavier couch potato kinda...
  6. skint502

    My first grow guys!

    yeah i figured about the over watering after i took the pic. im not gonna water again untill tommorow. my 2 babies have perked right up so im thinking about transplanting to 1 gal pot in the next week. im running 168 watts of cfl im hoping come flowering (if they make it that far im ghettoing...
  7. skint502

    My first grow guys!

    I just spent the last 45 mins reading through this journal and i love it!!! i feel ya all the way on wanting to over nuture and love them and being too cautiaous and paranoid :P CDD. I just started my very first grow ever a coupe days ago.. sadly im only running 4 3200 lumen cfl bulbs :(. i...
  8. skint502

    Cheap grow / First time growing.

    Back with an update :) 1 popped yesterday and another is peaking through the soil today. i got the majority of the seeds all in the soil.... My buddie gave me a Motavation + a warlock seed he got a while back from attitude but never tried to grow them. im excited to test them out i started...
  9. skint502

    States and cities with highest lb prices.

    Im 4-6 hours from NYC in upstate ish...... pound of brick almost brown weed is like 1200-1500 here... a pound of KK or a nice strain your looking 3200-4k easy
  10. skint502

    Cheap grow / First time growing.

    Now i have seen some crazy sick grows in these threads it has inspiried me to do my own. I am finnancially tight so i started this grow very very cheap due to lack of funds. Im hopeing it will pay off and i can upgrade to a better set up in a few months. Im just growing regular commericial weed...
  11. skint502

    Nutes / Times/ first grow and thread

    valued information dr who. i will look into that thanks for the input!
  12. skint502

    Nutes / Times/ first grow and thread

    Thank you very much :) goin to start a grow journal
  13. skint502

    Nutes / Times/ first grow and thread

    i plan on getting the ph meter and ppm meter within 2-3 weeks so that okay along with getting my nutes. im thinkinb about starting this into a grow journal to just track it. even though the bud is prob gonna be ugly :p
  14. skint502

    Nutes / Times/ first grow and thread

    i did a 25% mix of perlite + fox farm for some more air flow etc etc. i am more concerened about the adding of the photosynthesis plus. and outlook on that? like when to use it? and should i add it to my other nutes when i do start nuting or seperate.
  15. skint502

    Nutes / Times/ first grow and thread

    Hell guys. First thread here as i am a new member. i have my first initial grow ever going right now . I would start a grow journal but its just commericial seeds (nothing special). I plan on doing a journal when i get some good seeds from attitude and improve my set up a bit. right now i am...
  16. skint502

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Thank you for this article. Gonna start my first grow soon and alot of useful starting information here :):joint: