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  1. D

    When to add Nutrients

    Whatever you want. Adjusting everyday is probably not necessary. DWC is a pain in the ass, to much res maintenance IMO. You can try the DWC forum.
  2. D

    when can i harvest

    Not true 12/12 from seeds works fine. They will start budding at the earliest possible time. your plants will still be 2 to 3 feet tall which is more then the light can penetrate any way. Also allows you to do a perpetual harvest with out the need for a separate veg area.
  3. D

    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    I would hang everything on a solid wall, and run the cords down the wall. Just to get everything out of the way. I wouldn't put any electrical especially your ballast on the ground in case you have a flood or spill water. Make sure you hang everything you need to get at regularly with in arms...
  4. D

    Banana OG 5 weeks flower

    no smoke report or yield. what a shame.
  5. D

    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    Can we get an update?
  6. D

    4x4 Ebb n Flow White Russian SoG Style

    When do we get a pic update?
  7. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    Pretty stoned man. checked out your white russian sog grow pretty good stuff.
  8. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    Your plants actually told me they would rather have Dyna grow. And with the money you save you can feed children in Uganda.
  9. D

    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    Nice grow man, but why did you hang your ballast and all your other electrical stuff on the door? Keeping up all those cords and clutter out of the way makes a big difference when working in a small space. I think you would be better off with 3x3 flood table in that space. Good easy system And...
  10. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    No offence man, but all that stuff including AN is overpriced nonsense.
  11. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    Good point. Does any know if Botanicare CNS 17 is organic or chem?
  12. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    haha stupid? maybe. I know homebrewer didn't use a meter in the first half of his Dyna Gro v GH battle thread, and he still had good results with both. start out around 200-400ppms then work your way up to around 1500 when full grown. You dont need alot of pro tekt, maybe only 100-200 ppms the most.
  13. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    Personally i would switch your next res change, or maybe just use up what you got left if it isn't that much.
  14. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    Depends on how much you plants are eating. to be safe you can go 50% and bump it up if you see defs. Do you use an EC meter?
  15. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    Pro tekt makes you plants tougher and harder for bugs to eat. And if your doing hydro it will stabilize your res. good stuff. The Gro is all you really need for any stage of growth even has extra P for flowering.
  16. D

    What nutrients are you using?

    Dyna Gro is the all around best stuff i have used, and the cheapest.
  17. D

    How do you dispose of root material?

    If your disposal cant handle it, get a bigger one there pretty easy to change out
  18. D

    How do you dispose of root material?

    Its good for everything but the main woody stalks. roots and all soft plant tissue is no problem for mine.
  19. D

    Botanicare CNS 17 Bloom Question

    Yea i can deal with a little calcification. Dyna gro grow bloom and protect is all that is needed imo and realistically i think you could do just fine with the dyna gro grow by it self
  20. D

    Botanicare CNS 17 Bloom Question

    Also i don't know about the nute ratios. 2-2-5 doesn't really seem like a good bloom ratio. MY dyna gro Grow has 7-9-5 which has more p then the CNS Bloom. Is there really any need for CSN Bloom when using Dyna Gro Grow? Usually i would add in Dyna Gro Bloom 3-12-6 because it has that extra P.