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  1. bazookajoe

    exhaust system

    If ur gottn run 2 fans ull connect one just to the CF,this exhausts warm stinky air and sucks in the fresh air thru ur passive intake holes. The other one for the lights just sucks air thru ur ducting and hoods cooling the bulbs which let's u get ur bulbs closer to the canopy..OR like we...
  2. bazookajoe

    exhaust system

    Great minds think alike:bigjoint: and apperantly @ the same time lol
  3. bazookajoe

    exhaust system

    Move the CF to the other end of ur setup..before ur lights.. like u said. Id use atleast a 8" inline fan on a speed controller with a 8"x6" reducer. I've heard of folks usin a 6" for 2 600's, 3 might b pushin it. Better safe then sorry .02
  4. bazookajoe

    what 600 hps? That's the only one I ever heard of but its just the cooltube with a fan in it.. u gotta provide bulb n ballast obviously so it would work with whatever wattage u have or buy. Hope this helps
  5. bazookajoe

    Ventilation help needed asap!!!

    I meant put the ac in ur br window not the tent but doesn't sound like u need it, 68f(20c) sounds like a good number for intake, BUT being as how ur intake fan is in the closet where the exhaust is dumping into.. it sounds like ur recycleing the hot air..instead of pulling the cooler fresh air...
  6. bazookajoe

    Ventilation help needed asap!!!

    Whats the temp in ur bedroom? Thats ur intake air so it needs to be cooler than ur desired temp inside the tent to balance out the heat. Put a ac in ur window n keep ur door closed. Ur equipment shouldn't have a problem cooling the bulb, u just need cooler intake temps being pulled inside ur...
  7. bazookajoe

    What is the reason for the "planty" smell after lights out?

    If we wanted to hear this shit we'd go to church.. go the fuck on somewhere!!!!!!
  8. bazookajoe

    4 years later...time to grow again

    Smells like progress homie!! those croutons look like wood chips.. what made u go with those instead of reg coco?
  9. bazookajoe

    Any recommendations for an alternative to uniseals?

    that's a coupler for 2 dif size pipes.. not a water-tight seal for a bucket hole 0_o
  10. bazookajoe

    Grow tent

    I run a 400 but I've been lookin @ dimmable 600's(for the option of runnin 2x400 in flr. or just 600, n veg with the 400) and found a few on amazon for less than 200 with cooltube n both bulbs. Not a big fan of the tubes bc of the lack of light footprint but they r easy as hell to cool though...
  11. bazookajoe

    4 years later...time to grow again

    plannin on keepin them plants small? 2gal air pots could produce a serious top cola, idk bout much more then that in ur space but nice setup!! .. happy new year brotha and lets see what this setup produces! =)
  12. bazookajoe

    Anyone got a 60 inch kooltube?

    No personal exp. With em but my local hydro shop has a few different kind of systems set up in a back room growin veggies and have 2 of them 5' coolubes loaded with 2kw a piece on 4' movers over a 20 pot bato bkt system with 8'+ tall tomato plants.. killers for sure.. $259.00 beast
  13. bazookajoe

    Early preflower picture. male or female?

    Figure it out yet?
  14. bazookajoe

    400W GWS Tent Grow (LST/SCROG)

    ill pull up a chair brother! I'm lookin into this as well.. I'm thinkin scrog will def. Up the yield for my smaller space n 400w mh/hps Good luck
  15. bazookajoe

    How much CFM for 2 600 Watt HPS lights?

    Ill bet runnin a 8" with a speed controller.. or wide open will do it.. and a 4" inline for the 400. .02
  16. bazookajoe

    Modding a Aerogarden

    Its a bit stretched out man! What kind of light did It use before the mod? That cfl isn't intense enough light to keep ur plant from stretching toward it.
  17. bazookajoe

    Leaf has yellow patches, advice please. 12/12 400hps short ryder

    A hygrometer is for temp and humidity.. u need a ph meter and calibration solution (as well as ph up n down)..I highly reccomend spending a bit on the meter bc the cheap ones.. well u get what u pay for I found out the hard way. For ur patchy plant I can't really help but there r a few...
  18. bazookajoe

    Light movers?

    I think ur over thinkin it bro.. if u have 2 600's in a 3x8.. each is covering a 3x4' area y would u need a mover?
  19. bazookajoe

    Light movers?

    There was just a light mover thread browse back a cpl pages
  20. bazookajoe

    My very first grow room

    Its def a chunk of money required to get started but its all worth it in the end.. beautiful stanky dank. Post some pix of ur "solidifyed" grow room.